Verstappen points to weight and understeer as problems for the RB18 as it enters 2022

Verstappen points to weight and understeer as problems for the RB18 as it enters 2022

Max Verstappen he had to deal with a RB18 in 2022 at the beginning of the new era of Formula 1 that didn’t quite work out to his wishes. This was mainly due to the large amount of understeer the car had due to the excessive weight of the car. Verstappen explains what effect it … Read more

The first names of the Survivors have been revealed. Petr Švancara and Václav Matějovský will participate

The first names of the Survivors have been revealed.  Petr Švancara and Václav Matějovský will participate

A unique survival challenge is just around the corner. A tropical paradise turns into a nightmare for a group of contestants, in which they have to fight not only with the lack of food and comfort, but above all with each other. Only one can win the fabulous prize of 2,500,000 crowns. Just like last … Read more

Now ready to go: the Graz satellite will carry out research on climate change in space

Now ready to go: the Graz satellite will carry out research on climate change in space

Before long Manuela Wenger will be sitting in her black swivel chair in the cramped rooftop room at Inffeldgasse 12, waiting for the first signal from space. The ‘worst moment’, says the researcher at the Institute for Communication Networks and Satellite Communications at the Graz University of Technology. Only then will he know whether his … Read more

Costa Rica hosted the International Cancer Summit

Costa Rica hosted the International Cancer Summit

Renowned oncology specialists from the University of Chicago School of Medicine attended the event Espacio has sought to generate relationships that allow the transfer of knowledge to improve the approach in the country Costa Rica hosted the International Cancer Summit, an event that recently brought together prestigious oncology specialists from the Faculty of Medicine of … Read more

Secret documents in Biden’s office: the US president is “surprised”

Secret documents in Biden’s office: the US president is “surprised”

First page Policy Created: 11/1/2023 5:26 From: Stephen Krieger Divided US President Joe Biden reacts with amazement to the discovery of confidential documents in his former office. Washington DC – Politically explosive news has reached the President of the United States Joe Biden on his first trip abroad in the new year. Biden traveled to … Read more

Azerbaijan appoints its first ambassador to Israel amid tensions with Iran

BAKU (Reuters) – Azerbaijan on Wednesday appointed its first ambassador to Israel amid rising tensions with Iran, its big southern neighbor. President Ilham Aliyev signed a presidential decree appointing Mukhtar Mammadov, a veteran official who has held positions in foreign and education ministries, as Baku’s first ambassador to Israel after 30 years of bilateral relations. … Read more