The combined Windows and Linux botnet is used for overload attacks

The combined Windows and Linux botnet is used for overload attacks

Microsoft security researchers have discovered reports a hybrid botnet, MCCrash, which is a mix between Windows and Linux systems Ars Techinca. The botnet is to be used by hackers to sell targeted overload attacks against various Minecraft servers. MCCrash should be hardcoded to work on Minecraft version 1.12.2, but it should also work for version … Read more

What kids want for Christmas

What kids want for Christmas

An overview of the most common wishes of children. © photo alliance/dpa Crayons, dolls and mobile phones: what are the most common Christmas greetings from children? Wish lists often include things that money can’t buy. 2 minutes moment of reading Nora would like a balance bike, Lea would like a two-metre tall teddy bear and … Read more

‘There’s an incredible freedom,’ Martina Navratilova gives retirement advice to Roger Federer and Serena Williams as she congratulates them on their glorious careers

‘There’s an incredible freedom,’ Martina Navratilova gives retirement advice to Roger Federer and Serena Williams as she congratulates them on their glorious careers

Czech-American and widely regarded as one of the greatest of all time, Martina Navratilov he feels that there will be such a hole, after Roger Federer et Serena Williams’s retire this year. While Federer played his last match at Tank cup in London in September, which she said was her last event on the pro … Read more

EFS Réunion raises the alarm about the lack of blood bags and calls for a massive mobilization

EFS Réunion raises the alarm about the lack of blood bags and calls for a massive mobilization

The French Blood Establishment of Reunion alerted, this Sunday, December 18, the lack of blood bags. The organization needs a “massive mobilization” today. On social media, EFS Réunion raises the alarm for the lack of blood bags and indicates: “Fewer than 80,000 blood bags are available, while more than 100,000 are needed. 1,500 blood donations … Read more

Did Hsinchu citizens raise placards to support Gao Hongan? Four-spotted Cat Hunted Out the Identities of 4 People, “The Same People of Hsinchu County People’s Party” | Politics | Sanli News Network SETN.COM

Did Hsinchu citizens raise placards to support Gao Hongan?  Four-spotted Cat Hunted Out the Identities of 4 People, “The Same People of Hsinchu County People’s Party” |  Politics |  Sanli News Network SETN.COM

Policy Center/Full Report The elected mayor of Hsinchu from the People’s Party, Gao Hongan, was suspected of fraudulently collecting assistants’ fees. The prosecution ordered 600,000 yuan bail in accordance with the Corruption Punishment Law. In addition to the media waiting at the scene that day, there were also four people claiming to be Hsinchu citizens. … Read more