The Syndicate of Publishers has implemented international and Arab trade union issues and achievements of a social and demanding nature

The Syndicate of Publishers has implemented international and Arab trade union issues and achievements of a social and demanding nature

The President of the Syndicate of Publishers, Joseph Al-Qusaifi, recalled, in a speech in which he focused on what the Syndicate has achieved during this year, that “despite the suffocating economic crisis”, noting that “the Syndicate has achieved international results and The Arab Union counts, in addition to achievements of a social and demanding nature”, … Read more

Caught dating a strange man in a car and his wife claims that “to subsidize the family” the network claims… The reason is exposed | International | CTWANT extension

Caught dating a strange man in a car and his wife claims that “to subsidize the family” the network claims… The reason is exposed |  International |  CTWANT extension

Marriage and family need two people to support and manage it together. If only one person is working hard, it will be difficult to go on for a long time. Recently, a married woman in Zhejiang, China had a date with a strange man in a car. Her husband caught them on the spot and … Read more

The Neural Network showed what the film adaptation of Dark Souls could be like in the 80s

The Neural Network showed what the film adaptation of Dark Souls could be like in the 80s

TintoConCasera user of the forum NeoGAF drew attention to a series of images created by artificial intelligence algorithms that can be mistaken for frames from a non-existent film adaptation of the fantasy role-playing action Dark Souls from the FromSoftware studio. Image source: NeoGAF Nearly three dozen neural-network-generated illustrations (presumed to be Midjourney) show recognizable elements … Read more

Prince Harry’s protector turned away from him after learning the whole truth: how he gave himself away

Prince Harry’s protector turned away from him after learning the whole truth: how he gave himself away

December 20, 2022 1:45 pm People’s opinion of the duke had irrevocably changed. Harry and Meghan Markle hoped that after the release of the documentary series, their couple’s popularity level would only grow. But everything turned out the other way around. Harry’s patroness, journalist Sarah Vine, was also disappointed in him. She admitted that at … Read more

Lieutenant Colonel Utinanas is confirmed as rector of the National Defense Academy / Article

Lieutenant Colonel Utinanas is confirmed as rector of the National Defense Academy / Article

The Defense Ministry explained that Utināns is currently the Chief of Staff of the National Armed Forces (NBS) Training Command. He holds a bachelor’s degree in education from the NAA and a master’s degree in education from the University of Latvia. He received his military education at the NAA and the Baltic Defense College in … Read more

Dutch Heart Foundation awards €2.5 million grant for atrial fibrillation research

Dutch Heart Foundation awards €2.5 million grant for atrial fibrillation research

Atrial fibrillation is the most common heart rhythm disorder The UMCG Department of Cardiology has received a $2.5 million grant from the Heart Foundation for atrial fibrillation research. Cardiology professor Michiel Rienstra leads the EmbRACE network which will conduct the research. The research focuses on the mechanisms underlying the development of atrial fibrillation and on … Read more