Clogged arteries are a time bomb. Know how to stay healthy

Clogged arteries are a time bomb. Know how to stay healthy

Coronary heart disease occurs when plaque (a mixture of fat, cholesterol, calcium and other substances found in the blood) builds up in the arteries. ArteriosclerosisPlaque reduces the amount of oxygen-rich blood reaching the heart, which can cause chest pain (called angina). Plaque can also lead to blood clots, which block blood flow and are the … Read more

Hot Hasto PDIP vs NasDem and Democrats on the Blue

Hot Hasto PDIP vs NasDem and Democrats on the Blue

Jakarta – PDIP extensionParty NasDemit’s party Democrats hot again. This time, the cause was PDIP general secretary Hasto Kristiyanto’s satire on the color blue. Hasto broadcast his satire commenting on Croatia’s loss to Argentina in the 2022 World Cup. Hasto broadcast the color blue which was said to cause Croatia to lose. “Someone saw a … Read more

The concerned House supports the ceiling on “dull” energy prices.

The concerned House supports the ceiling on “dull” energy prices.

anp ANNOUNCEMENTS•today, 01:52 The House of Representatives debated late into the night with Minister Jetten for Climate and Energy on the hastily put together energy price cap for consumers that will take effect on 1 January. There have been many questions and concerns, but a large majority in the House would rather have a cap … Read more

Houston vs Virginia prediction prediction

Houston vs Virginia prediction prediction

College basketball NCAA The activity started just over a month ago and that time was enough to identify the strongest teams in the competition. Some candidates had already been identified before the start and their parties confirmed why. There will be captivating games on the billboard at the weekend NCAAB and one of them is … Read more

2023年度“普惠保”参保人获赠新冠病毒保障 确诊重型或危重型可获赔2万元-千龙网 中国首都网

来源标题:2023年度“普惠保”参保人获赠新冠病毒保障 保障期为半年 确诊重型或危重型可获赔2万元 为 助力 助力 北京市 防控 防控 , , 实现 逐步 复产 复产 复产 , 以及 增强 进一步 进一步 进一步 北京 北京 健康 健康 保 保 保 的 属性 属性 , 北京市 保障 保障 局 、 中国 银 保监会 北京 监管局 北京 普惠 健康 保 保 项目 项目 项目 项目 保 保 保 … Read more