Feinheit: Exciting adventures on financial topics

Feinheit: Exciting adventures on financial topics

The FinanceMission World platform is expanding its learning offering to include an analogue game to promote financial literacy among schoolchildren. The game, known as FinanceMission Adventure, was implemented by the communications agency Feinheit and its sister company Blindflug Studios. FinanceMission World enables students to learn financial skills in line with the curriculum in a fun … Read more

a high-end smartwatch at a reasonable price

a high-end smartwatch at a reasonable price

In addition to the classic Watch GT5, Huawei is also offering a Pro version of its wearable device this year. The Huawei Watch GT5 Pro achieved very good results in the test thanks to its elegant design, precise sensors and a battery life that you won’t find anywhere else. Technical data Product Name Watch GT5 … Read more

Professional Trap Builder-Walkie Talkie Blast

Professional Trap Builder-Walkie Talkie Blast

Jakarta – Lebanese authorities are investigating large explosions targeting pager and walkie talkie communication devices in several areas Lebanon. The initial investigation said that the explosion was a professional trap. “Preliminary investigations by the Lebanese authorities found that the handheld device that exploded this week was booby-trapped before entering the country, the Lebanese mission to … Read more

G. Nausėda met M. Buzelis’ parents: they discussed the future of Lithuanian basketball

G. Nausėda met M. Buzelis’ parents: they discussed the future of Lithuanian basketball

Prezidentas socialiniame tinkle „Facebook“ pasidalino trumpa žinute apie susitikimą. [–>[–> „Smagus pokalbis apie Lietuvos krepšinio dabartį ir ateitį, ir Lietuvos rinktinės planus su krepšininko Mato Buzelio tėvais Aidu ir Kristina“, – rašė G.Nausėda. [–> Krepšininko tėvai Lietuvos prezidentui įteikė „Bulls“ komandos marškinėlius. [–>[–> Čikagoje gimęs ir augęs M.Buzelis šiais metais buvo pakviestas 11-uoju šaukimu į … Read more

Ex Casa dos Segredos points a finger at Cristina Ferreira “He should be punished”

Ex Casa dos Segredos points a finger at Cristina Ferreira “He should be punished”

House of secrets 8 Wilson Teixeira Leave a direct message to Cristina Ferreira because of her performance in Casa dos Segredos 8. The former contestant in the third edition of the “house”, begins by saying, “Let’s imagine this situation, you have never appeared on a television show, but one day they come to you and … Read more

The products for which Romanians flock to Lidl on Thursday, September 19. They are at very low prices, every parent wants them now

The products for which Romanians flock to Lidl on Thursday, September 19. They are at very low prices, every parent wants them now

The products for which Romanians rush to Lidl starting Thursday, September 19, want every parent in Romania. These are on sale, which is why customers empty the shelves immediately. It is about many products for babies, from diapers to special wet wipes. Also, those from Lidl announced that stocks are limited, which is why it … Read more

New York Crime Section – S01 E17 – Forbidden Forbidden – New York Crime Section

New York Crime Section – S01 E17 – Forbidden Forbidden – New York Crime Section

When the body of a young bisexual woman is found, Goren and Eames notice similarities between this crime and those committed by previously convicted criminals. The investigators then turn to a human behavior researcher. My listDepartment 41 a.m September 19, 2024 at 10:46 pm. 7 days left 2024-09-19 20:46:14 #York #Crime #Section #S01 #E17 #Forbidden … Read more