Home » today » Business » Pae Richard Soto de Xangó calls to celebrate Yemanjá by donating food for those who need it most – Diario El Pueblo – Salto Uruguay

Pae Richard Soto de Xangó calls to celebrate Yemanjá by donating food for those who need it most – Diario El Pueblo – Salto Uruguay

Every February 2, like today, it is a tradition to celebrate Yemanjá, one of the deities most commonly mentioned and praised by Afroumbandistas. In Salto there are hundreds of people who congregate every year by the river and precisely next to the image of Yemanjá located in the area of ​​Playa Las Cavas.

But this year, which is also “the year of Yemanjá,” according to his followers, the pandemic prevents large gatherings, crowds, so the celebrations around this date will be different. Faced with this scenario, one of the main references in Salto, Pae Richard Soto de Xangó, spoke with EL PUEBLO and pointed out by way of reflection: «since last year I have been saying that this year we should not participate in rituals in honor of Yemanjá In the waters, this year I am not organizing any of that, because we must take care of each other so that this wonderful country moves forward, flourishes. Surely between all of us we will succeed, and there will be open doors for all.

There are many people in crisis, who are melting, who cannot continue with their endeavors, so let’s not be selfish, let’s give light to our President. I am very respectful of the authorities, both departmental and national.

So I am going to ask the spiritual world to enlighten the Mayor, the President … How can I not want the department and the country to do well? If it also depends on that for me as a religious to do well. This year Yemanjá asks us to be clear, it is a highly spiritual year, to travel within ourselves and realize that with love everything is possible. Let’s learn to cross the path to see if a child, an old man, a prisoner needs something ».

Soto recalled that he has always been linked to this religion, which he often calls the “religion of hugs,” although “now the many kisses and hugs that I am sending everyone are virtual.”

Richard was born into religion. He says that his brother Jorge Soto «is also Pae and was the highest authority, elected by all the temples, of the first association of Afroumbandistas that there was in Salto, even when there was a great meeting in a cinema on Sarandí Street and even a religious from Nigeria came ».

He recalled then when a few years ago, at the February festivities “there were no more than 50 people.” But later «my religious community grew until it held spectacular parties that I organized for many years; I work for and for success, and it is not wrong to say it, a doctor or an athlete do the same, each one wanting to stand out in their own way ».

The highlight, in the case of this Pae came mainly when his Obra Social began to transcend. It should be remembered that it provides lunch, Monday through Friday, to several dozen people.

But it is not something from now, it is a solidarity task that has been carried out for 24 years: «when I ordained Pae de Santo in Brazil, with the now posthumous Mae Teresa de Xangó, I said that I founded the temple but also a social work for help those who have the least. It is for this work that I have been honored in my country and abroad. Here in Salto, for example, I received the tribute from the Police Headquarters Command and abroad from the Brazilian government.

This fills me with pride, because I honor life and my good name. In addition, he reflected on his social work: «I never took a photo giving a plate of food or spread it on the networks.

But I do spread what the work is, because my beloved religion has sometimes been groped by criminals, swindlers and scoundrels who call themselves Afroumbandistas and are not, and leave everyone in a bad way. I distribute, and I live very happy distributing. It is a treasure that I have in helping others.

I help in a thousand ways, it can also be with a word of encouragement. I’m always thinking about how I can contribute. My religion says that first comes being and then having. Today I can share and distribute, today life smiles at me like 24 years ago and I live very well because I help people, my love is reflected in that ».

This is another of the issues that Soto often refers to. By the way he commented: «This is the year of Yemanjá, mother of all the Orixá, and therefore my mother. And if I say mother, I have to say Blanca Viera, Pelusa, the woman who gave me life, whom I love.

I cannot tell others that I value them if I do not love my mother. In my mother’s house they taught me respect, love of neighbor. I remember the very supportive table at Mom’s house where it was said: you have to add a little more to the pot because you never know if someone else won’t come with the grief of the cross. That is why the grief of the people mobilizes me, it mobilizes me when they tell me that they do not have enough to eat, when they tell me I do not have a job, they mobilize so many losses…. And I allow myself to be like that because it makes me a better person, a better religious, to be sweet, tender, and all that is Yemanjá, because she is a mother.

A religious must first love the family, the parents. You cannot serve people, guide them, if I am a bad son, a bad brother or a bad uncle ».

This very special year in which celebratory meetings will be avoided, Soto invites «to bring non-perishable food to Andrés Latorre 260, between San Martín and Ramírez, so that I can continue helping in my social work.

Yemanjá does not need flowers, candles, or anything, but it will value and bless much more those foods that it knows that this Pae will distribute, as it did 24 years ago.

I also ask that my colleagues have the dignity to put their hands on their hearts and collaborate; I think it would be the right thing to do, because more than one if they are with temples and open houses should thank this religious for it, then they remember the one who has the least. One cannot sit down to consult and have the money come only for their coffers.

Sharing and sharing is a better life. I call on people that instead of flowers, collaborate in this way and Yemanjá will bless them much more ».

He finally pointed out that “I do not receive donations from the State, nor from the Intendancy, nor MIDES, ever.

The right passed, the Broad Front ruled for 15 years, now the right wing again, and my work has gone unnoticed by the authorities.

In the first FA government I met with Marina Arismendi (at that time in charge of MIDES) and I felt that it was a great joke, she told me that she would collaborate, but she never did.
Nobody gave me anything, neither from the right nor from the left, I support my social work with my own resources.

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