Home » today » Business » Padua, 230 thousand euros stolen from the Order of Accountants: investigations into treasurer Andrea Giacomin closed

Padua, 230 thousand euros stolen from the Order of Accountants: investigations into treasurer Andrea Giacomin closed

by Giampaolo Chavan

Adcec money used as one’s own, the accusation accuses Selvazzano’s accountant, already removed from the Order, of 26 illicit withdrawals: we are moving towards trial

He used the money from the Triveneto Association of Accountants as if they were the his. Ha subtracted from the coffers of that institution 238,397 euro in the space of just under three years between December 2019 and September 2022. Since 22 June, however, Andrea Giacomin52 years old, is no longer an accountant: he was disbarred from the order of Padua to which he had been registered since 17 April 2000. The troubles for the former owner of the Selvazzano Dentro firm, however, do not end with expulsion from the register. The Padua prosecutor Giorgio Falcone just in recent days has closed the investigation against the fifty-two year old on charges of embezzlement for money taken from the organization for personal purposes.

The complaint

The complaint originated from the institution itselfchaired by Michele Sessolo once the cash shortfall was discovered in the summer of 2023. Giacomin was then cited also in civil proceedings by Adcec itselfthe Association of Chartered Accountants and Accounting Experts. The entity based in Mestre would have arraigned for unjust enrichment also a companyoperating in the sector real estate. To this enterprise, Giacomin would have paid a tax bill with the money taken from the accounts of the Association of Accountants of the Triveneto. It seems, however, that the same bodies of the company, a client of the former rugby player, knew nothing about the perhaps illicit actions of the fifty-two-year-old.

Rigged expenses and accounts

The story of the Paduan accountant began in December 2019 when, according to the Padua Prosecutor’s Office, he acted as treasurer of the Adcec the first of 26 payment transactions «external to the association» with the Pagopa system. These operations would last until September 2022 and they would have made it disappear from the ADCEC accounts 171.397 euro. Then, between 22 July and 30 September 2022, according to the indictment, he carried out two bank transfers equal to an amount of 67,000 euros intended for his current accounts. Giacomin carried out these thefts of money, evidently trusting that he would not be discovered. For investigators, he would have exploited the task of both treasurer and accountant of the association, thus assuming both the role of controller as well as controlled. Furthermore, according to the accusation, would have falsified the cash accounts of the institution of representation of Venetian professionals, making the movements of money coincide with the items in the budget. Andrew Giacomin would have already admitted his responsibilities: once the shortage was discovered, says the president of the Adcec Michele Sessolo, “we took action with some investigations from which irregular conduct attributable to the former treasurer emerged”. The former accountant from Padua recognized “what had been done and immediately handed in his resignation”, Sessolo further reveals.

The radiation

In addition to the complaint to the prosecutor’s office, the Adcec then initiated the procedure to Disciplinary Council of the Order of accountants, concluded with the radiation of Giacomin, which took place in June last. Giacomin’s case also recalls other cases such as that of the Venetian committee of the Fise, the Federation of equestrian sports. The regional body was commissioned by the National Council because its president allegedly made personal expenses with the Federation’s money. The music does not change for the former Padua president of «Team for children» who just a few days ago returned 187,000 euros that he had stolen from the association to avoid trial on charges of embezzlement.

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