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Pact of the two Matteo in view of the referendum, taxation and ethics

The double referendum campaign on justice and the abolition of citizenship income could sanction the first true electoral axis between the two Matteo. Salvini and Renzi have been verifying the feasibility of a common agenda between Lega and Italia Viva for some time.

In small steps we are moving towards a pact on five points: justice, taxes, justice, electoral law, citizenship income and the Zan bill.

The perspective is a political alliance. Objective not at hand. In the meantime, however, the two Matteo play on the shore. The leader of the League is committed belly to earth in supporting the collection of signatures for the referendum on justice: 6 questions to give the decisive push to the execution block. “Ten days of July with 40 degrees, 200 thousand signatures collected, we are only at the beginning” – comments from Catanzaro Salvini.

From the Italia Viva front, the other Matteo evaluates the Northern League’s offer of an axis on the referendum: «We are thinking about signing it, there is no party obligation. It will pass because it already has 5 Regions. It is an incentive and a stimulus to carry out more serious reforms ”, explains Renzi da Napoli on the occasion of the presentation of his book Controcorrente.

«A reflection is underway. The official position of Italia viva is not yet there, ”a leading source of Italia Viva explains to the newspaper. The battle of Salvini collects the ok from the deputy mayor Pd of Cremona Andrea Virgilio who announces the adhesion to the referendum. Another important signature is that of the lawyer Romolo Reboa, lawyer of the 29 victims of Rigopiano.

With reversed parties, the two Matteo could find themselves playing another referendum game: the request, made by Italia Viva, to abrogate the citizenship income, a flag measure of the M5s. Italia Viva would like to promote the collection of signatures to ask for a referendum in 2022.

The League observes and could launch itself on the operation. An obstacle would arise in the Renzian race towards the referendum: a request for a referendum cannot be filed in the year prior to the expiry of one of the two chambers. The two referendum campaigns, however, would push the two Matteo to fight side by side an electoral competition: the step towards a political agreement would become almost inevitable.

On other issues, the two Matteo play in the same half of the field: tax, Zan ddl and electoral law. Today the text of the Zan bill arrives in the Senate: in the Justice Committee, before the scheduling of the vote, Lega and Italia Viva supported the mediation proposal put forward by the lawyer Andrea Ostellari, president of the commission.

Yesterday the words of Davide Faraone, group leader IV at Palazzo Madama: «Salvini demonstrated what he says by presenting the Ostellari text, which modifies the Zan bill. From my point of view it is not yet the optimum, but it is certainly a decisive step forward ». All Renziano honey towards the Carroccio. Leaving aside the Quirinale match, whose variables are infinite, there are two other points in the agenda of the two Matteo: electoral law and tax authorities. There is a tax reform proposal signed by the Renzian economist Luigi Marattin: abolition of Irap, reform of the personal income tax (with new brackets), cancellation of local surcharges, reduction of taxes for the middle class. A text towards which Lega and Forza Italia wink.

The electoral law dossier remains open: contacts are daily between Roberto Calderoli and Ettore Rosato. The Renzians are looking at the model of electoral law adopted for regional elections. Hypothesis on which the Northern League are ready for confrontation.

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