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Pact for Linz: projects worth almost six million euros decided

Almost six million euros from the Corona investment fund “Pact for Linz” are being implemented. Measures such as renovation work in the Brucknerhaus or the creation of a motor skills park at Weikerlsee are intended to stimulate the Linz economy.

LINZ. With the “Pact for Linz”, the city wants to “invest itself out” of the crisis. The investment package comprises a total of 65 million euros, of which the federal government is contributing 26 million euros. In the past meetings of the municipal council, projects worth 5.7 million euros were approved. This includes the construction of a new exercise park at the Kleiner Weikerlsee, the expansion of the leisure facilities in the Franckviertel Sternpark, investments amounting to millions in the city’s own cultural institutions and building renovations for the independent cultural scene. Furthermore, the creation of better framework conditions for the main fire station, the modernization of the senior centers in Linz and the renovation of city schools are financed from the package.

Focus on culture, education, social affairs and sport

With 44 percent, the largest part of the almost six million euros goes into the cultural sector, such as for the renovation of the Nordico city museum or the Brucknerhaus. 27 percent will be invested in social and educational institutions, 22 percent in sports facilities and seven percent in security, specifically in the main fire station. With the redesign of the fairgrounds, an explicit request of the population has also been put on track.

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