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Paco Ramos: “We have to rethink cities” | BE Gijón | To live that are two days Asturias

The European Mobility Week It is celebrated every year from September 16 to 22. This initiative aims to promote healthy and sustainable mobility, promoting the use of public transport, bicycles, trips on foot, shared car systems, in the face of the negative consequences for public health and the environment that the abusive use of the vehicle has. car in the city. This year’s motto is ‘For a mobility without emissions’.

For these days, the Gijón City Council, through the Department of Environment and Mobility, has designed an extensive program in which the ‘European Car-Free Day’ stands out, set for Tuesday 22nd and as a novelty the ‘Conference on Low Emission Zones’ Saturday, September 19, under the organization of Ecologists in the Action of Asturias. Paco Ramos, its president, reviewed its content in To live that are two days Asturias.

The so-called LEZs are areas where access to certain vehicles is restricted due to their polluting emissions. Its implementation is set within a period of three years and is one of the most important measures of the National Energy and Climate Plan, an issue that will be on the national political agenda. Paco Ramos assured that “it is not just about reducing the passage of the most polluting vehicles but about rethinking cities reducing the use of vehicles. Of course, this must be accompanied by a plan to promote the use of alternative transport, among other issues. “

The representative of the Higher Council for Scientific Research (CSIC) has intervened via videoconference Xavier Querol Carceller to talk about air pollution and traffic. Valentin Rodriguez Suarez from the Ministry of Health, has spoken about the ‘SIVE-Aire project: Epidemiological surveillance of diseases related to air pollution ‘. Specifically, explains Ramos, “work is being done in Gijón on the distribution of areas with high pollution problems, linking them to health problems.

In the afternoon program they have contributed alternatives from environmentalism to vreturn to normal without traffic jams or contamination with the participation of Nuria Blázquez Sánchez, Coordinator of Transport of Ecologists in Action and author of the report ‘Zonas de Bajas Emisiones. Tool against pollution and global warming ‘.

The day closed with a round table on municipalism moderated by Manuel Cañete, President of the Federation of Associations of the Urban Zone of Gijón. “Citizens must play an active role in asking municipal political authorities in this regard to sue them later in Europe,” says Ramos.

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