He is currently 83 years old andfaces five counts of fraudelectronic. seún, something thatcould carry a sentencemaximum of 20 years and a pressurefederal.constant since last monthdecember our drug goalhas us the summary of theaccumulated rain.>> this is very good news,rained in the center of theangels since he began theyear, eight inches of rain,we have a surplus, we havea positive of almost 6″ ofrain, let’s be prudentwith this management and use of water,because climate change bringsheavy rain againfortunately in whatwe have of the year í, we havereceived a good amount ofrain. atmosphere, temperatures60, load that good coat, thethread will be felt duringthe night, the peaceful, twostorms coming their waySunday will be a pretty dayunstable, the first staysmostly to the northour Friday at nine, thebay area receives rain,cloudiness associated with thissystem, saturday nightthe second storm arrives, 5:30Sunday morningsome drizzle in the porcónnorthern and southern california12:00 noon somedrizzle and cloudiness and thiswire, low temperatures in40 to 30, bundle up wellduring those first hours of