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Pablo Luis Armero leaves, at his own request, the Parish of the Assumption of Our Lady | Radio Jódar | Today for Today Jódar

The proper name, currently informative of this day that of Pablo Luis Armero García, parish priest of The Assumption of Our Lady, who has communicated his departure and appointment as head of San Pedro Apóstol de Torredonjimeno, a transfer to own request, for get closer to your family, elderly parents, residents of Los Villares.

We have had the opportunity to talk with him, in our Today for Today Jódar, at noon, where you have shown us your trajectory in these almost nine years in Jódar, showing proud, especially, of the union achieved between the two groups of Cáritas, La Asunción and Fátima, “… What I have done has been to continue the good that there was… I am very proud of Caritas. Cáritas is the main thing in the Parish, because, I believe, that brotherly love is superior to all speeches and little speeches, because you have to move on to works, to action and so on … Caritas has been growing, primary care has been carried out, but training courses have also been sought and, above all, in these years, we have tried to be in communion with Cáritas de Fátima. I would say that there is almost one Caritas, because we are very united, we have many projects in common and we have very clear ideas and we have that sense of communion, which perhaps there was not at the beginning, when I arrived… ”.

During his period of time in Jódar, 9 years, he has had to put at the head of several brotherhoods, who have gone through very complicated situations, to bring them afloat, as have been the Nazareno and the Prayer in the Garden. That work allowed him to be proposed as Town crier of Holy Week in Jódar 2.018.

His place will be occupied by Juan Guerrero, in front, until now of the Bedmar, Garcíez and Albánchez de Mágina parishesAlthough the date on which the replacement will take place is still unknown, it may be in the first days of September.

Too messages addressed to the faithful, through social networks and WhatsApp, “Good morning everyone. I write this with sadness and at the same time with gratitude.

With sadness because I want to tell you that throughout this morning the Bishop’s decree is issued by which after 9 years, I will stop being the parish priest of La Asunción of Jódar and of San Pedro de Larva.

9 and almost 5 years that have been a true gift of God for my humble priestly life.

With gratitude to my bishop because has listened to my request to be near my town to attend my elderly parents. That is why he has appointed me Parish Priest of Saint Peter the Apostle in Torredonjimeno, a great parish that I will try to serve with the same dedication as you and very united to the Lord.

We will see each other this month and we can exchange views.

A big hug and kisses for everyone. “

In any case your appointment is within the 16 that the Bishop of the Diocese of Jaén has announced, attending to your request to approach the domicile of your relatives:

He Bishop of Jaén, Don Amadeo Rodríguez Magro, has made the following appointments:

1. Parish: Santa María la Mayor de Linares

Appointment: Andrés López Ángeles

Cessation: Sebastián Pedregosa Reche

2. Parish: San Pedro Apóstol de Torredonjimeno

Appointment: Pablo Luis Armero García

Termination: Andrés López Ángeles

3. Parish: The Assumption of Jódar and San Pedro de Larva

Appointment: Juan Guerrero Moreno

Termination: Pablo Luis Armero García

4. Parishes: The Assumption of Our Lady of Bedmar, Garcíez and Albánchez de Mágina

Appointment: Manuel Jesús Rus Quesada

Termination: Juan Guerrero Moreno

5. Parish: San Juan Bautista de Úbeda

Appointment: Miguel Lendínez Talavera

Cessation: Eusebio Figueroa Mora.

6. Parish: The Incarnation of Mancha Real

Appointment: Juan Mena Jurado

Removal: Miguel Lendínez Talavera

7. Parish: Saint Matthew the Apostle of La Puerta de Segura and the Assumption of Our Lady of Orcera

Appointment: David Martínez Díaz

Removal: Juan Mena Jurado

8. Parish: Santa María de Torredonjimeno

Appointment: José Antonio Sánchez Ortiz

Cessation: Enrique Cabezudo Melero

9. Parishes: The Nativity of Jamilena and Our. Mrs. del Carmen de Monte Lope Álvarez

Appointment: Antonio Lozano Marín

Termination: José Antonio Sánchez Ortiz

10. Parishes: Santiago Apóstol de Santiago de la Espada and Santa Isabel de Miller

Appointment: Jesús Llopis Olivera

Dismissal: Antonio Lozano Marín

Parishes: La Inmaculada de la Matea and Nuestra Señora del Rosario de Pontones

Appointment: Jesús Llopis olivera

Termination: David Martínez Díaz

11. Parish: San Isidoro de Úbeda

Appointment: Sebastián Guerrero Fernández

Termination: Santiago Navarrete Rojas

12. San Juan de Ávila de la Yedra House of Spirituality

Appointment: Sebastián Guerrero Fernández

13. Parish: San Eufrasio and Santiago Apóstol de Andújar, Church of San Rafael de Vegas de Triana

Appointment: Antonio José Morillo Torres

Termination: Sebastián Guerrero Moreno

14. Parish: San Pedro Apóstol de Castillo de Locubín and San Antonio de Ventas de Carrizal

Appointment: Manuel Jesús Ceacero Sierra

Termination: Antonio José Morillo Torres

15. Parish Vicar of San Bartolomé de Torredelcampo and Parish of San José de las Casillas de Martos

Appointment: Francisco Javier Cova Martínez

Cessation: Manuel Jesús Ceacero Sierra

16. Parish: Divina Pastora de Andújar

Appointment: Miguel Sánchez Alba, CM

Termination: Gonzalo Calvo Calvo, CM

Three priests are sent to study:

Antonio Guerrero Quesada

Antonio Jose Morillo Torres

Juan Pedro Moya Haro

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