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P92, Meta’s decentralized social network project (in Fediverse mode) via Instagram

« We are thinking about a decentralized and independent social network allowing to share written messages in real time », a declared the parent company of Facebook and Instagram to AFP, confirming a information revealed by the Platformer site.

This new decentralized social network close to Twitter would be accessible using Instagram identifiers and designed to be interoperable with other networks of the same type, such as Mastodon.

According to Money Controlits code name would be P92, and it will support ActivityPub, the protocol used to interconnect the various servers and nodes of the Fediverse. The project would have been entrusted to Adam Mosseri, who runs Instagram.

Platformer recalls that a growing number of players are calling for a type of interconnection: Medium and Flipboard have indeed announced joining the Fediverse, Tumblr and Flicker would also consider doing so.

Twitter co-founder Jack Dorsey himself had repeatedly called for a decentralized version of the network, and he funded Bluesky, a decentralized alternative to Twitter launched last week on iOS in private beta.

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