Oyem, October 14, 2023 (AGP) – Lieutenant-Colonel Périny Constant Revignet Ayenouet, commander of the northern land military region, reminded the soldiers, on October 13 in Oyem, of the military obligations of availability, responsibility and discipline.
”On August 30, 2023, the defense and security forces made a change at the head of the executive of our country, in order to avoid a political-social crisis with unpredictable consequences which would likely have led the entire nation into chaos. The Gabonese nation, in its diversity, has shown us its gratitude and is counting on us to carry out the roadmap for the reform of our institutions,” indicated Lieutenant-Colonel Revignet Ayenouet, speaking on behalf of the leader. of General Staff of the Army, General de Bigade Sosthène Ngari, prevented.
In his circumstantial remarks, the speaker stressed that the president of the transition, head of state Brice Clotaire Oligui Nguema, is counting on the availability of the military, so that they fulfill all the missions entrusted to them and provide the result optimal desired.
Likewise, men in uniform are expected to achieve complete success, with professionalism and devotion, in ongoing security operations. With this in mind, the command requires maintaining personnel in good physical condition through permanent training.
As for the responsibility of the military, everyone is reminded of article 5 of the general discipline regulations of the army, which requires any soldier exercising a function in his training, his contribution, without failure.
”This is why the command invites us to hold our posts with responsibility, each in his own right. And this also involves the duty to set an example, in order to avoid mistakes of any kind. It is therefore more than urgent to adapt our behavior to the changes of the moment, because we are now the actors of the change underway in our country,” insisted the commander of the northern land military region of Gabon.
In terms of discipline, the military was reminded that discipline is the main strength of armies, it defines obedience and governs the exercise of authority.
According to Lieutenant-Colonel Periny Thierry Constant Revignet Ayenouet, discipline applies to everyone without distinction and results in strict compliance with internal regulations. Discipline, he noted, imposes on the military the right of reserve which prescribes a certain restraint in their public expressions to the military, hence the name “Great Mute”.
The speaker closed his speech on the subject by deploring the frequent use by the military of social networks, and all other forms of media or communication platforms.