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Oxford Professor compared the fight against coronavirus to chess: It’s hard to predict in what direction it will change


Influencing the world coronavirus (Kovid-19) continues to take effect in full swing.

Oxford University Professor Oliver Pybus in England compared the struggle of humanity with coronavirus mutations to a chess match.

Stating that it is impossible to know in what direction Kovid-19 will make a move in this chess game, Pybus said, “Currently, the virus may have few viable moves to adapt to the pressure it is under. This may cause the same mutations to appear over and over again,” said Pybus.


It is known that Kovid-19 has mutated and changed many times since its emergence. But some mutations have spurred alarming explanations.

The virus, by its nature, mutates in order to survive in the human body. world The P1 variant, which emerged especially in Brazil, and the E484K variant, known as the South African variant, worries scientists.

Although many people with these variants have been identified, the effects of these variants have not yet been identified. But scientists agree that these two variants are particularly dangerous.



The increase in cases and casualties due to variants in South American country Brazil and South Asian country India reached critical levels.

While India continues to see the highest levels of daily case numbers, thousands of people die every day in Brazil. According to the latest data announced in India, 260 thousand 778 cases were detected in 24 hours, while 1495 people died.

In Brazil, where the P1 variant is effective, the number of cases in 24 hours was announced as 65 thousand 792, but it was stated that the loss of life was 2 thousand 865. Scientists in both countries say the new wave is effective in young people, children and babies.

In the data shared by hospitals in Brazil, it is stated that more than half of all patients in intensive care in March were 40 years old or younger. On the other hand, it is stated that 1,300 babies died in the country from the virus.



Scientists state that there is light at the end of the tunnel, despite the mutations and variants associated with them.

It is stated that the increase in vaccination practices worldwide and new treatments in clinics can create different options in the fight against the virus.

One of the main points in the fight against the virus is that the vaccines that can be updated can be effective against more than one variant and can be developed accordingly.

Experts say that when the number of cases decreases worldwide, the frequency of occurrence of variants will decrease.

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