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Owner wants to enter and examine house

February 17, 2021 – 6:21 am Clock

Berlin (dpa / bb) – After court decisions on the house on Rigaer Strasse in Berlin-Friedrichshain, which is partly occupied by left-wing radicals, the owner is increasing the pressure on residents and the police. The owner’s lawyer, Alexander von Aretin, announced to the German press agency that a fire protection expert and a representative of the owner under police protection should enter the barricaded house “Rigaer 94” by mid-March at the latest. The police could face another major operation.

Rigaer Straße 94 is one of the last partially occupied buildings in Berlin and a symbol for the left-wing extremist scene. After attacks on police officers, violent criminals often withdraw into the house. Senate and police did not intervene for a long time, arguing that suspicious residents could not be identified and the homeowner was not known. In October, the occupied house “Liebig 34” in the neighborhood was evacuated after an expired lease and several lawsuits.

The test date must now be set and prepared “quickly” together with the police and building supervision of the district, said Aretin. The expert must examine the entire building complex with the front building, side wing and rear building for possible fire hazard. “Among other things, it is about the detection of possible illegal wall breakthroughs, trap doors, security gates, fire accelerators, incorrectly laid electrical cables. That could be more complex and take some time.” The residents will then be informed of the date.

Last week, the police were ordered by court order to protect a fire protection expert when entering the well-known symbolic project of the left-wing radical scene. The administrative court found that entering the building would otherwise be too dangerous. A property manager and a lawyer were attacked there in the past.

The police had previously refused protection because ownership had not been clarified. The court rejected this assessment. According to the lawyer, the owner does not want to identify himself for fear of attacks by left-wing extremists, but acts through a British company.

Members of the left-wing radical scene have already announced “resistance on the street” against entering the house. “Day X” can be expected at any time. “May the cops choke on our rubble.” Aretin said: “We do not know to what extent the announced resistance of the occupiers is actually forming. This assessment is up to the police.” But it is now clear that the police must act to avert danger urgently. Without police protection, the inspection date required by the construction supervision is not possible.

Interior Senator Andreas Geisel (SPD) had already declared that they would agree on a common approach. Should the supporters of the residents and occupiers actually call for massive resistance and blockade actions, the police might have to plan another day-long large-scale operation.

From the owner’s point of view, the subject is far from over with the fire protection report. Possible violations of fire protection would have to be fixed by craftsmen, said Aretin. “The house is partially occupied, we don’t know who is in most of the rooms. Some of them have an illegal bar. An eviction suit is currently underway against the likely operator of this bar,” Kadterschmiede “.” The owner continues to offer a concept with socially acceptable rental agreements.

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Source: DPA

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