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Own land closer and closer

May 14, 2021 – 02:20
The Nikola Tesla Technical School already beats its dream come true.

With a meeting held at the Villa Tranquila Neighborhood Center, which was attended by Sebastián Hadad, the dream of own land for the Nikola Tesla TSE of the city of Güemes is closer and closer to being a reality. The representative of the Hadad family, current owner of the property, cleared up many doubts regarding the donation process. The meeting organized by the parents’ commission of the educational institution allowed all interested parties to listen and express themselves regarding the land available to be donated. What was clear from what was reported in the previous meeting in which the Secretary of State Lands and Assets participated, Esteban Carral, is that the land that the State should receive as a donation from the Hadad family, To be destined for the construction of the new Technical School, it had to be free from any social type of occupation, a condition that the property proposed by Sebastián Hadad does not meet, since it is occupied by a soccer field. The presentation of the donation intention has already been elevated to State Lands and Assets, for it to be accepted it is necessary that the field be stripped of its arches, “the intention of my family to donate the property so that an educational establishment is it still stands, that was always my father’s will and we keep it in force, for that reason we want this donation of one hectare to be made in this neighborhood so that the technical school can be built, in that place there is a soccer field, We do not seek to affect the rights of the neighborhood but they were always aware that they could use the land as a soccer field until it is used for other purposes, such as the purpose that brings us together today, “said Sebastián Hadad.

In order not to leave the neighbors without a sports recreation space, a consensus was reached with the mayor Sergio Salvatierra to move the field to a property with the same characteristics but located about 700 meters from the previous one, in the San Ignacio neighborhood, which was also a subdivision made by the Hadad family, and where a space of 5,600 square meters was available.

Everyone wins

Neighbors and the educational community of Nikola Tesla were very satisfied with the results of the meeting, the only objection was presented by a group of parents of children and adolescents who currently use the field throughout the week, for them it was important that the field be within the neighborhood, “for more than 60 years we have used that field, at least three generations of boys took care of it and enjoyed it, now we are losing it because the new field will be enabled in another neighborhood, such as San Ignacio, we are not against technical school, but we consider that sport is also important, “said the neighbors present. Regarding this question, Sebastián was very clear when he emphasized that it is a private property and that it is now made available to the education of the community.

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