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Overwatch 2 Matchmaking: Blizzard reveals how matchmaking works

Multiplayer titles have a number of elements and systems whose proper functioning is essential for their players. Matchmaking or pairing in games always gives something to talk about and with Surveillance 2 there has been intense debate for a long time.

Some players have raised their voices to complain about this and ranked matches, so, Blizzard wanted to shed some light by publishing a ad where is it matchmaking details of Overwatch 2. Here we summarize the most important aspects.


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Overwatch 2 matchmaking in detail

¿How matchmaking works? In order for all games to be balanced, one must first know the skill level of each player in the game. Each has an internal matchmaking score (known as MPR).

However, this value is not absolute and may vary, even if the player’s skill remains at the same levels. The MMR table states that almost all OW2 players are in the mid-range.

MMR increases or decreases depending on your wins and losses that each player gets, so it doesn’t necessarily represent each one’s true ability, since this hero shooter it’s like a team.

and if you you meet up with friends and there is a big difference in level of everyone in the game? Normally, these types of games tend to be mismatched, as it is difficult to gauge the level with the other team. It seems that Blizzard wants to fix this in the future.

We’ve been preparing changes coming to the game in the next few months that will drastically reduce these hitches. We will try to assign players of a similar skill level across all roles when setting up a match.

As for new players, Blizzard has lowered the starting MMR to what would be considered Bronze 5 so that newbies can get wins more easily. Additionally, the company continues to adjust each player’s starting MMR.

We will continue to analyze the data, adjust the values ​​and evaluate further changes to matchmaking. Our greatest hope is to make games fun for everyone, even if you lose. We are convinced that the best way to achieve this is to make the games as fair and balanced as possible, commented Blizzard as a final reflection.

Overwatch 2 was one of Games most popular of the year… The changes have convinced many, although everything can always be improved. Find out what were the most popular games on Twitter in 2022 and the hero shooter is among them.

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