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Overwatch 2 backs down the role of a tank and works on a number of characters

Overwatch 2

| photo: Blizzard


The biggest and most controversial change in PvP is that it will not be the same as before, but only five. Specifically one tank, two damage dealers and two support heroes.

This evolutionary blocks the change in the way it approaches all aspects of the game, from the design of the map to the dynamics between the roles and their dark interaction, the creators explain.

The core of this change is the change in mentality surrounding the role of the tank in the direction of more confusing into brawler-style edges. It is expected that this shift from dark protection to TV-to-TV battles will have an impact on the course and pace of PvP.

Overwatch 2

Overwatch 2

Overwatch 2

However, the changes will apply to all permits. The role of passive ability is important. Characters with the role of DPS thus move faster, while regenerating heroes in the support category outside the fight with their health. The role of the tank then provides vt protection against knockback.

For example, the Bastion will be reworked from the floor. It will still be able to restrict the movement of the nephew, but it will freeze. This shift will result in a change in the right and right in all areas later this year. .

During the stream, we saw the Push mode in action, in which the game took control of the robot. The team is working on another mode, but is not ready to detect it yet. This confirms that the Assault fails out of the competitive modes.


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