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Overview of sexually transmitted diseases TIME ONLINE

Berlin (dpa / tmn) – Many do not like to talk about sex – and certainly not about sexually transmitted diseases. But the microorganisms can compel people to be honest – because many of the diseases, also known as STI (“Sexually Transmitted Infections”), are anything but harmless.

The most important rule: protect condoms – not in every case and before every infection, but better than other methods. Beyond that, it cannot hurt to at least know the most important risks and signs of STI.

With antibiotics for chlamydia

The world’s most common sexually transmitted infection is caused by chlamydia. If the bacteria in the genital area have had enough time to multiply, there is whitish discharge from the genital organs – and extremely painful permanent itching.

“Young women have a particularly high risk of acquiring chlamydial infections,” explains Viviane Bremer from the Department of Infection Epidemiology at the Robert Koch Institute. If left untreated, the infection can even lead to infertility.

Chlamydia infection is usually treated with antibiotics – sufferers go to the doctor and avoid sexual contact until the symptoms go away. However, it is important: The partner with whom you have contracted the infection should definitely be treated. Otherwise there is a risk of ping-pong, i.e. re-infection.

Cancer risk HPV

“Young women are also at high risk of getting infected with human papilloma viruses (HPV),” says Viviane Bremer. This wart virus infection is the main cause of cervical cancer, but in most cases it heals on its own.

Cancer can only develop in rare cases – treacherously often years or even decades after infection. The risk can be significantly reduced by HPV vaccination.

In addition to chlamydia infection and HPV, gonorrhea and syphilis are common bacterial diseases. Antibiotics are generally used for such infections.

No remedy for viruses

In other cases, however, treatment is significantly more difficult – or impossible. Viral venereal diseases are AIDS and herpes in the genital area. At least in the case of HIV infection, there is no cure in the near future, rather the aim is to combat AIDS worldwide.

“The 90-90-90 strategy states that by 2020 90 percent of all people with HIV should know their status, at least 90 percent of them should have access to medication and at least 90 percent of them should be successfully treated,” explains Prof. Jürgen Rockstroh, head of the infectious diseases and immunology outpatient clinic at the University Hospital in Bonn.

First information from the net

The doctor is of course the right contact for questions about sex and diseases – even if the conversation may be difficult. An anonymous, less embarrassing alternative is online research, even if this does not of course replace a doctor’s visit. Answers to the most frequently asked questions about venereal diseases can be found on «
Liebesleben.de», A portal of the Federal Center for Health Education (BzGA).


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