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Overcoming Obesity Issues, Government Targets Are Not Grandiose

JawaPos.com – The number of obesity or overweight in Indonesia is still high. For the adult group alone, about 68 million people are obese. The government includes the handling of obesity in the National Medium-Term Development Plan (RPJMN) 2020-2024.

The obesity management program was delivered by the Director of Public Health and Nutrition of Bappenas, Pungkas Bahjuri Ali. “Obesity is a crucial issue,” he said Saturday (13/11). It requires serious handling and involves many parties. Moreover, the handling of obesity is related to people’s behavior and habits.

He stressed obesity must be addressed. Because data from the government, 70 percent of cases of non-communicable diseases (PTM) are triggered by obesity. Obesity is mostly due to nutritional problems. Among them are mostly consumption of sugar, salt, and oil or fat.

For this reason, Pungkas said the government included the obesity management program in the 2020-2024 RPJMN. “The target is not grandiose,” he said. The target is that the important thing is that the obesity rate in Indonesia does not increase in 2024.

He said the target set by Indonesia was the same as the global target. According to him, the world is also not grandiose, namely targeting no increase in obesity. “Of all the nutritional problems, obesity is the most difficult challenge. But it still has to be addressed,” he said.

Previously, the issue of obesity was discussed in the Scaling Up Nutrition (SUN) Annual Meeting on Friday (12/11). In this forum, the Acting Director of the Prevention and Control of Non-Communicable Diseases at the Ministry of Health, Elvieda Sariwati, presented data on obesity in Indonesia. ”About one in three adults are obese,” he said. This figure is equivalent to 35.4 percent of the adult population or equivalent to 68 million people.

In addition, the obesity rate in the category of children (aged 5-12 years) is no less high. Elvieda says about one in five children are overweight or obese. This figure is equivalent to 20 percent of the population of children in Indonesia.

According to him obesity must be addressed. Because it is a triggering factor for the emergence of non-communicable diseases such as hypertension and diabetes. He said the cause of obesity is diet. Processed fast food and beverages are currently the largest type of consumption, reaching 32.7 percent. Obesity is also triggered by excessive consumption of sugar, salt, and oil or fat.

Editor : Bintang Pradewo

Reporter : Hilmi Setiawan

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