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Over a million cases of coronavirus worldwide (interactive map)

Lhe symbolic milestone of one million officially declared cases of new coronavirus worldwide was crossed on Thursday around 8:00 p.m. HB, according to a count made by the AFP from official sources.

At least 1,000,036 cases of infection, including 51,718 deaths, have been detected in 188 countries and territories, notably in the United States (234,462 cases, including 5,607 deaths), where the pandemic is currently progressing most rapidly, in Italy ( 115,242 cases), the country hardest hit in number of deaths with 13,915 deaths, in Spain (110,238 cases, of which 10,003 died) and in China (81,589 cases, of which 3,318 died), cradle of the pandemic.

The number of cases diagnosed, however, only reflects a fraction of the actual number of infections, with a large number of countries testing only serious cases.

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