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Over 6000 companies have received discounts

According to the Landesinvestitionsbank (ILB), more than 6,000 Brandenburg companies have already received a discount on the November aid to cushion the consequences of closings due to the corona pandemic. These include around 1,700 self-employed people who can receive support of up to 5,000 euros. In addition, around 4,300 more companies received discounts on the November aid that had submitted their applications via the federal portal. A total of around 33 million euros were paid out in discounts to companies and self-employed people, up to a maximum of 10,000 euros.

In the meantime, this sum has been increased to a maximum of 50,000 euros and will be paid to eligible applicants, as the ILB further announced. According to the federal government, these back payments are to be started this year. In addition, from January 10th, the federal government will activate the processing portals for the approval offices of the federal states in order to be able to carry out further application checks and the payment of the November and then December aid. Tillmann Stenger, ILB CEO, asked the companies to be patient in this regard. “As soon as the federal government enables us to do this, we will quickly clear the traffic jam.”

The requested funding volume for November aid in Brandenburg was currently over 72 million euros. Around 6,500 applications from companies have already been submitted.

The November aid are grants for companies, for example in the catering trade, which had to close due to official orders in the Corona crisis. There are payments on account, which is an advance payment for later payments without in-depth examination. So far, the self-employed have received an advance payment of up to 5000 euros, other companies up to 10,000 euros. The program stipulates that grants of 75 percent of the average turnover in November 2019 should be granted for most of the companies. There should be similar aid as December aid.

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