Home » today » Business » Over 400 Healthcare Workers to Receive 15,000 Euro Compensation for Long-Term Covid: Update Jan 23, 2024

Over 400 Healthcare Workers to Receive 15,000 Euro Compensation for Long-Term Covid: Update Jan 23, 2024

Jan 23, 2024 at 10:12 PM Update: 4 hours ago

Of the 806 healthcare workers with long-term Covid who applied for compensation in 2023, around 425 people will actually receive a one-off 15,000 euros. This is what outgoing Minister Conny Helder (Long-Term Care) wrote to the House of Representatives.

Forty applications still need to be assessed. In addition, 37 applicants registered after the application period closed.

The ministry had expected 1,000 applications. “The actual number of awards to healthcare workers is therefore considerably lower than previously estimated,” Helder writes in response to the more than four hundred approved applications.

The ministry may have made too broad an estimate. Another cause may be that some of the healthcare workers who “may be eligible” did not respond in time. That is why Helder will see if she wants to reopen the scheme later.

Only compensation for illness during the first corona wave

Not every healthcare provider is eligible for the scheme. This only applies to healthcare providers who became ill during the first corona wave and continued to have complaints. The first wave was from March to June 2020.

The GroenLinks-PvdA (GL-PvdA) faction wants an extra 48 million euros to be allocated this year for patients and healthcare workers struggling with long Covid.

Member of Parliament Julian Bushoff (GL-PvdA) has submitted two amendments to the budget of Health, Welfare and Sport (VWS).

The faction wants this money to be used, among other things, to compensate more healthcare workers. Bushoff proposes to extend the period from June 2020 to January 2021.

In addition, the faction wants to spend 27 million euros on special outpatient clinics for patients with long-term Covid complaints. At the beginning of October, there was a majority in Parliament in favor of the opening of these types of clinics. Then Minister Ernst Kuipers (Public Health) did not see the added value of it.

The House of Representatives will discuss the VWS budget on Wednesday and Thursday.

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DomesticLong-term covid
2024-01-23 21:12:09
#healthcare #employees #receive #euros #due #longterm #Covid #Politics

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