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Over 17,000 people lost their jobs in April

The State Secretariat for Economic Affairs (Seco) announced the current unemployment figures on Thursday. The corona crisis is clearly reflected in this.

Because of the corona crisis, significantly more people are once again registered as unemployed.

Chris Iseli / AGR

(mg) At the end of April, 153,413 unemployed people were registered with the regional employment centers (RAV), as Seco announced on Thursday. That is 17,789 people more than in the previous month. This increases the unemployment rate in Switzerland to over 3 percent. It is 3.3 percent, compared to 2.9 percent at the end of March. Compared to the same month last year, the increase was 43 percent.

Youth unemployment rose sharply: it rose by 2,635 people (+18.1 percent). The Seco also noticed a large increase in the age group between 50 and 64 years: 3481 people lost their jobs in April. This corresponds to an increase of 9.5 percent. The Seco, on the other hand, reports an acceptance to the reported vacancies. At the end of April, 18,415 jobs were still registered with the RAV. That is 13,057 fewer than in the previous month.

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