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Ovalla Stable Roof Collapse: No Compensation Received, Rebuild in Progress

Ovalla stable roof collapses – but no compensation forthcoming: “Sad” • Here’s what it looks like today on the site

Published 2024-04-29 08.45

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Strong winds and heavy snow caused Ovalla’s stable roof to collapse.

Renovation work is in full swing.

But some money from the insurance company does not see the race track.

– It feels very sad that you should not be able to feel safe with what you have agreed to, says Sandra Lantz, chairman of the Oviken trotting club.

  • Oviken’s stable roof collapsed on the racetrack due to high winds and snow over the 2023 Christmas weekend.
  • Repairs continue despite the fact that the insurance company refuses to pay money, believing that the building is too old.
  • The team is considering starting a fundraising campaign to cover the costs after the insurance company’s decision not to pay out.

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Just before last Christmas weekend, the snow and wind hit Oviken’s trotting track with full force.

When the weather changed, the snow became so heavy that the stable roof collapsed.

The damage was great and the professional trainer Malin Löfgren was one of those who saw the destruction.

– I suffer from those who drive on the way and get hit, you will be sad. Very sad, she said in one an interview then with Trav365.

Fortunately, no one was injured when the more than 50-year-old building collapsed.

“Too Badly Built”

The grief for those who were active and working on the site was great, but initially there was still a strong desire to renew the stable roof, especially when they trusted that the insurance company would take their share of the responsibility.

But that didn’t happen. The work on the roof is almost complete. But the insurance company refuses to pay out any money because they think the house is too old, something like the trade journal The trotting circuit and Jämtland newspaper reported.

– Things are progressing, the roof was made during the week it was “covered”. Then there is sheet metal and so on that must be done, as well as all the surrounding conditions. There is nothing new from the insurance company, they claim that it is too badly built, Sandra Lantz, chairwoman of the Oviken trotting club, told Trav365.

This is what the stable roof looked like at the end of December last year.

The battle of the insurance company

Had he carried out checks before the insurance was issued?

– That is exactly what we are trying to push now, that is why agree to insure a building that is considered “too bad”. It is still a lot of money that we pay in premiums every year and it feels really sad that you should not be able to feel secure with what you have agreed.

The financial blow to a small track like Oviken is going to be hard.

Now the track is looking for different ways to bring in money.

– There will be an economic blow that will be visible. It is about a million that we have to spend. But we have to find a solution somehow, there is no other option. The stable must be usable by the first appearance on Midsummer’s Day. We have started talking a little bit about starting a fundraiser, but we haven’t decided yet. Now all the focus is on starting the construction so it will be ready on time, continues Sandra Lantz.

“He applied”

Anders Näs is a board member and caretaker in Ovikens Travklubb. He has followed closely what happened and can only regret that there will be a battle with the insurance company.

– They say the house is too old, the clothes must have been too bad. We have submitted a claim but have heard nothing further. It affects us greatly. But we are still preparing. In less than five weeks it should be completely completed. We hope for compensation, but right now it looks dark, he says and concludes:

– The town removed a lot of forest on the side of Oviksfjällen, which did not turn out so well for the stable building. It could also be the wind that took the roof and not the snow.

check The Oval competition season starts on Midsummer’s Day. The next competition days are June 30 and Tuesday July 23.

In five weeks, the building is expected to be fully renovated and ready. The professional trainer trained his horses on the track at the end of December. FACTORY

Oviken (Ovalla) trotting route:

The Jämtland Ovikens Trotting Club was founded as early as 1924 and is one of the oldest trotting clubs in the country. The trotting track in Oviken is called Ovalla and it is one of our youngest tracks. The first appearance here took place on February 28, 1971.

Oviken competes during the summer months. During June/July, there are a total of three competition days here, and the Oviken trotting week is one of the real summer festivals in Swedish trotting.

Ovalla is one of five courses measuring 800 meters in circumference, and the 140-metre race track is one of the shortest in the country. In addition, the track is so narrow that only six horses can enter the first row behind the starting car.

SOURCE: Swedish Sport Trotting

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2024-04-29 23:39:32
#Bang #trotting #track #cover #insurance

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