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Outsourcing of telephone calls, DEPARTMENTAL CONSULTING

Contract notice
Publishing Department (s): 33
Ad No 21-113339

Object of the contract : outsourcing of telephone calls.-
Main Features :

provide telephone reception for the Department of Gironde outside of public opening hours, either
– Monday to Thursday from 5.15 p.m. to 8.15 a.m.,
– Friday from 4:45 p.m. to Monday 8:15 a.m.,
– weekends, public holidays and non-working days 24 hours a day.
the service provider may also intervene on the occasion of temporary exceptional closures during the day during the week
Quantities (supplies and services), nature and scope (works): the minimum and maximum amounts of the framework agreement for each period of execution (from 01/12/2021 to 30/11/2022 then for each renewal of one tacit year) are fixed respectively:
Minimum amount: 6,000 euros (HT) or 7,200 euros (TTC)
Maximum amount: 15,000 euros (excluding tax) or 18,000 euros (including tax)
The Framework Agreement is enforceable from 12/01/2021 until 11/30/2022.
it may then be the subject of three tacit renewals of one year on the anniversary date of the notification of the framework agreement without its term exceeding 30/11/2025.
Refusal of variants.
Main terms of financing and payment and / or references to the texts which regulate them: funding is provided by the departmental budget from public resources and payment will be made by administrative mandate within a total period of 30 days.
Legal form to be taken by the group of economic operators to whom the contract is to be awarded: in accordance with articles R2142-19 to R2142-27 of the public procurement code, candidate companies may take the form of a group.
candidates may submit an offer, either as an individual candidate or as a member of a consortium. They cannot combine the two qualities.
Languages ​​that can be used in the offer or application other than the French language: French.
Currency unit used, the euro.

Justifications to be produced as to the qualities and capacities of the candidate:
documents constituting the application:
1- the application letter (part I of the response kit) or Dc1 (file named Dc1)
2- the candidate’s declaration (part II of the answer kit) or Dc2 (file named Dc2)
3- the list of the main supplies and services carried out over the past 3 years 4- the overall turnover and, where applicable, the turnover of the field of activity covered by this framework agreement, covering, at most, Last 3 exercises available
5- a statement indicating the candidate’s average annual workforce and the number of supervisory staff during the last three years.
The transmission and verification of application documents can be carried out by the Simplified Public Market system on presentation of the SIRET number: NO

Award criteria:
Economically most advantageous tender assessed on the basis of the criteria set out below with their weighting.
– technical value of the offer: 60%;
– price: 40%.

Type of procedure: adapted procedure.

Deadline for receipt of tenders: September 20, 2021, at 4 p.m.

Minimum period of validity of offers: 180 days from the final date for receipt of tenders.

Other informations :
Reference number attributed to the contract by the contracting authority / contracting entity: 21AS-CDRP-1505-Z.

Further information : the deposits of envelopes must imperatively be delivered by dematerialized way.
to find this full notice, access the DCE, ask the buyer questions, file a letter, go to http://www.marches-publics.gironde.fr/
Body responsible for appeal procedures: Administrative Tribunal of Bordeaux, 9 rue Tastet, BP 947
33063 Bordeaux
Tel: 0556993800 fax: 0556243903mel: [email protected]
details concerning the deadline (s) for lodging appeals: Pre-contractual referral possible until the contract is signed.
contractual summary before the administrative court seised no later than the 31st day following the publication of the award notice OR contractual summary after signature of the contract.
appeal against the validity of the contract within 2 months from the appropriate publicity measures for the award of the contract (under the decision of the CE of 04/04/2014, Department Tarn et Garonne, no358994)
parts constituting the offer:
– the specifications and its appendices (file named Cc) drawn up according to the attached model, and put in .pdf format.
– technical memory (file to be named Mt), comprising the following elements:
– the means implemented to ensure the training of human resources as well as the updating of their knowledge;
– the description of the material resources allocated by the candidate to ensure the proper performance of the services;
– the Business Continuity Plan (Pca) detailing the contract execution methods.

Date of dispatch of this notice for publication: August 19, 2021.

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