BUSINESS POTENTIAL – Drama Love Bond February 4, 2022, possibly telling about Ricky which turned out to be deliberately Elsa happy with the veiled intentions that are finally revealed as well.
Ricky come visit Elsa on the same day as Nino who also came to the prison place Elsa languishing behind bars.
Nino give fruit and deliberately come without Keisha to prison.
Nino trying to give more attention to his wife. The hatred that originally thrived in the mind Nino is now starting to wither and turn into a sense of love which is also excessive from Nino for Elsa.
But the situation has changed. Elsa now do not feel a very deep love to Nino.
In the mind Elsa, only exist Keisha a person. Her baby is now under foster care Nino.
However, the riddle Keisha whose son still has not seen the light.