/ world today news/ One, two, three …, four years ago, there have already been outrageous mistakes in the answer to task 25 of the test for national external assessment in Bulgarian language and literature for the seventh grade, conducted by the Ministry of Education and Science on May 20, 2015. Yes, and this year – another mistake!!!
Here is the wording of task 25: “Write down in two or three sentences what the words from the work “Bulgarian language” suggest: “Sacred language…” In “Key with the correct answers”, uploaded to the website of the Ministry of Education and Culture after 3 p.m., for task 25 5 /goals 5!!!/ “Sample directions for reflection” are given.
first “direction”: “reverence to the ancestral root; continuity between generations there;”. Well, one could reason in this “direction” if the continuation of the first verse of the ode “Bulgarian Language” was given for reflection: “to my ancestors”, because through language the spiritual connection with the world of the ancestors is realized.
The second “direction”: “memory of the historical past of centuries of trials”. Yes, but – no! This “direction” requires reflection on the second verse of the ode: “tongue of torments, groans of ages”.
The third “direction” is “a connection with the most intimate thing for man – his mother”. It forces reflection on the third verse: “language of her that gave birth to us”.
Whose narrow-mindedness gave birth to the fourth “direction” – “preserving national identity over the centuries”, when the words specified for interpretation in 2-3 sentences are only “Sacred language”?!
These ministerial “directions” require “reflection” on the entire first stanza of the ode “Bulgarian language”, not on the two words “Sacred language”.
As I read the fifth “direction”I was caught by the small move: “inversion/inversion epithet”. It’s a bit like slapping yourself on the forehead. Indeed, the epithet “holy” is in inversion, but which Bulgarian philologist has studied somewhere in some theory of literature about an “INVERSION” epithet? What is it? In such cases it is said, “There is no such animal.”
How to write 2-3 sentences in five “directions”? How many of them can and should be reasoned in order for the seventh grader to get 6 points? And if he writes an “inversion epithet” in his text, how will the examiners sanction him?
Bowing before the sacred exaltation of the native word, Ivan Vazov affirms it as a moral and aesthetic value. The dialogue of the lyrical speaker with the language in the ode spiritualizes him, awakens the association of eternal life. The inverted epithet “sacred” expresses the understanding of language as a gift given by God. As God’s creation, our language is perfect and requires an attitude of religious respect and reverence, awakening a willingness to assert its importance.
The authors of this exam test and the answers to the tasks in it should have read in the Bulgarian interpretive dictionary what the dictionary meaning of the adjective “holy” is: 1. Epithet of church and religious books, utensils, rites and generally things related to religious reverence ; 2. trans. Sublime.
What is left for the kind seventh graders /about 60,000!/ and their parents now, when after the seventh grade you only apply once, and there are other idiots in the matriculation test?
To wait with folded hearts until June 3 for God’s will or for the conscience of the unscrupulous to speak?
How many of the little ones might know what “full board” is on board? /back.11/?
How does one retell on behalf of a neutral narrator an excerpt from the work “East of the West”, after half of the text is in the narrative mood and it is not clear who is saying it – the author or a character from the work, whose name is not mentioned?
Will someone from the Ministry of Education and Science reason with the unreasonable ones?
Isn’t it time to understand that only specialists with excellent scientific training should work in it?
How long will the mistakes of officials be forgiven, on which the fate of tens of thousands of children depends?!
Maria Boncheva
Stara Zagora
Bel. ed. Another mistake for another year. A mistake steeped in pseudo-scientific and bureaucratic narcissism, after every previous year the writers of the exam materials had received a full debriefing of their failings. But, … they were passed over with derision and neglect. At the expense of the children. So that there are no damaged and broken children’s destinies, we expect that at least this year controversial or clearly wrong questions will not be evaluated
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