Chennai: Fans took to social media to rage against music director AR Rahman’s music show in Chennai. The music program called Marakuma Neshgam brought misery to the fans. The event was held on the outskirts of Chennai on Sunday. Thousands of AR Rahman fans came to attend the music show. But many could not even get close to the stage.
It is alleged that people grabbed their seats before those who had paid thousands of tickets. In a post on X, it is said that even fans who bought tickets for Rs 2000 could not watch the show. At the same time, many angry fans also tagged AR Rahman on X. Several social media posts addressed the show anchors and AR Rahman in foul language.
At the same time, the organizers sold more tickets in the facility that AR Rahman had in the show. Therefore, it is reported that a large section could not enter. At the same time, it is also alleged that the organizers illegally seated a large number of people, including their relatives, in the seats booked earlier by others. Videos of AR Rahman fans suffering due to rush hour etc. are going viral on social media.
Until a few days ago, the main discussion on social media in Chennai was whether to get tickets for the AR Rahman show. But during last night’s show, social media was flooded with harsh language posts.
“This is the worst music show in history. Humanity should be respected. Thirty years of AR Rahman fandom died today. ‘Marakuma Chest’ will never be forgotten. One should also look at what goes around when performing on stage” – noted a fan. Also, there are many people who said that there are big problems with the facilities provided, including the sound system.
At the same time, the organizers of the event, ACTC, announced that the AR Rahman show in Chennai was a huge success. But apologies to those who did not get a seat due to crowding. They also informed in the press note that they are taking responsibility for this failure.
Very very bad audio systems. Couldn’t hear any song or music. Too crowded, worst organisation, stampede, parking jammed, could not even return, need refund. | |
— Jay (@jp15may)
arrangements couldn’t be more pathetic. This is the view you get paying for Gold tickets refund our money back
— Guru (@gururag96)
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yemana Kannula paathadhuku Apram marakumma nenjam… Beyond your greed for money, at least you should have warned that elderly and little kids are not allowed. So sad to have witnessed what they went through..
— Ashok Ramadass (@ashokrbp)
yemana Kannula paathadhuku Apram marakumma nenjam… Beyond your greed for money, at least you should have warned that elderly and little kids are not allowed. So sad to have witnessed what they went through..
— Ashok Ramadass (@ashokrbp)
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