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Outrage and Calls for Justice: Young Man Flees after Killing Cat in Baghdad

Echoes of the killing of a cat by throwing it from the balcony of a building in Baghdad continue on social media platforms, amid calls for the arrest of the fleeing young man who pushed the animal from above to its death.

In a horrific scene behind a state of panic and outrage among the residents of the residential complex and the pioneers of social platforms in Iraq, a young man appeared in the video clip, directing the words to a cat, saying: “You have been sentenced to death by hanging to death from the ninth floor.”

Then he pushed the cat to fall to the ground and was killed, then he brought his phone camera lens closer to the bottom, where it appears as it breathes its last.

Interior statement

Following the spread of the video and the submission of a complaint by the residents of the compound, the responsible security authorities entered the line, and the Department of Relations and Information at the Ministry of Interior issued a statement stating:

  • In implementation of the directives of the Minister of the Interior to follow up on negative cases that society rejects, and after the spread of a video clip showing a person who threw a cat from the balcony of a residential building in the Bismayah area, which led to its death in an ugly scene that contradicts human values, an officer who interrupted Bismayah in the community police went to the place to see and stand on the circumstances of this matter.
  • The family of this person demanded to meet with the director of the Department of Relations and Media, Major General Saad Maan, who in turn received the father of the person who committed this heinous act in his office, as it was found that this person suffers, according to his father’s claim, from a psychological condition, and he also takes intoxicating substances and demanded his treatment.
  • It was found that this person fled after he committed this heinous act, and his father expressed his dissatisfaction and dissatisfaction with his son’s act, calling for his help in treating him.

Shock and anger

And the pioneers of social media platforms demanded not to seek mitigating excuses for the young man who killed the cat, noting that “by doing this, he poses a threat to the security of society,” while others thought that he might already have a psychological condition, as his father claimed, which requires him to be subjected to treatment.

Commentators warned of the repercussions of the recurrence of such horrific incidents if the perpetrators were not held accountable and deterred, pointing out to “the negative use of social media platforms by many, to the extent that they do not hesitate to commit the worst and dirtiest practices in an effort to attract attention and harvest likes (likes).”

And the social and human rights researcher, Nawal Al-Irahim, said in an interview with “Sky News Arabia”:

  • It is clear that whoever commits such a crime against an animal that is helpless and in this barbaric manner is deranged or psychologically and mentally disturbed, or that he abuses intoxicants and is characterized by aggressive behavior, or that he is reckless and seeks virtual fame, and in any case he needs a medical examination in order to verify the nature of the animal. his motives.
  • Regardless of the backgrounds, there is a heinous crime that occurred with premeditation and observation, as it appears in the video clearly that he will throw the cat from the edge of the balcony with the motive of killing it, and even portrays himself as a judge reciting the death sentence against the cat, and this is what makes the matter even more terrible.
  • That is why it is necessary to arrest him, subject him to medical and psychological examinations, and bring him to trial. If it is proven that he is indeed suffering from a psychological disorder or addiction to intoxicants or drugs, and the like, then it is up to the court to assess the situation and the penalty.
  • Otherwise, if the investigations show, for example, that he committed this horrible act for fame and to publish the video clip that he filmed himself to reap views, then it is necessary to impose a strict and deterrent punishment against him, since he took a life.
  • Iraqi law punishes killing and assaulting animals with imprisonment and a fine, and the term of the penalty ranges from 3 months to a full year.

#Iraq #cat #incident.. #warnings #obsessive #viewing
2023-06-07 16:13:38

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