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Outrage and anger in the United States by George Floyd – CNN

2 months ago

The revelation of a new video of the death of George Floyd

A new video on the case of George Floyd, a black man who died after Minneapolis police officers subdued him while he kept repeating that he couldn’t breathe, shows an angle that had not been previously disclosed. The recording points out that not only did an agent put his knee on the victim’s neck, but two others pressed other parts of his body in the same way.
Revelation of new George Floyd death video 2:48

2 months ago

Protests across the United States in solidarity with the death of George Floyd

By Joe Sutton of CNN

Protesters have taken to the streets of the United States on Friday night to express their concerns and anger over the death of George Floyd. Some of the protests have been peaceful, while others have been destructive. Here’s a look at where we’ve seen protests so far.


The Angels
Saint Joseph
San Francisco





Pie. Wayne

Louisville (This is related to the death of Breonna Taylor)

New Orleans

New York
New York




Las Vegas

North Carolina




Washington DC

2 months ago

Protests are on the rise in Louisville, according to Police

Jessie Halladay, special adviser to the Louisville Metropolitan Police Department, said protests in the city continue to escalate.
Halladay said that while the protests had started peacefully tonight, police now foresee property damage such as that seen in the protests in Louisville Thursday night.
According to Halladay, there are significantly more people protesting tonight, and the Police Department believes that a large part of those protesting are not from Louisville.
The Police Department made two arrests and several small fires have been started, including an attempted fire at the Justice headquarters. Halladay said there was more graffiti and flag burning in the protests this Friday.
He also said that the protesters are armed with sticks, bottles, bats, shields and weapons, and have arrived well supplied with water and other supplies.
No significant damage has been reported so far, Halladay said.

2 months ago

Protesters continue on Minneapolis streets despite curfew

Police are deployed but are not exercising a citywide curfew as protesters continue to demonstrate in Minneapolis, CNN’s Sara Sidner reported.

About the curfew: Minneapolis and St. Paul are under instituted curfew after days of protests marked by looting and arson.

2 months ago

PHOTOS | This is how they protest in Atlanta over the death of George Floyd

2 months ago

Bail for Derek Chauvin ex-police, set at US $ 500,000, according to legal document

By CNN legal analyst Joey Jackson


Bail for Minneapolis police ex-cop Derek Chauvin was set at $ 500,000, according to the criminal complaint filed with the 4th Court of the Minnesota Judicial District.

According to the document, no conditions have been established for his release.

The document does not indicate that Chauvin is free on bail, but it does say that if he does, the bail will be $ 500,000.

The arrest warrant box is unchecked because Chauvin was not ordered to arrest him.

2 months ago

Protests are dwindling in Atlanta

CNN’s Nick Valencia said protesters are beginning to clear the streets near the CNN Center.

The protests turned violent earlier Friday after protesters set fire to a car and smashed windows at the CNN Center.

2 months ago

Police shoot tear gas at protesters in Charlotte

By Paul Murphy

Police were seen in Charlotte, North Carolina, shooting tear gas at the streets where protesters gathered.

Protesters were later seen helping each other by pouring milk into their eyes to alleviate the effect of the tear gas.

A CNN affiliate WCCB journalist posted the moment below.

2 months ago

Violent protesters protesting George Floyd case attack CNN headquarters in Atlanta, at least one police officer was injured

During the afternoon of this Friday, protesters began to gather in the downtown area of ​​Atlanta, where the CNN headquarters is located. The protest, like others in various parts of the United States, is due to outrage at the death of George Floyd, a black man, after an arrest where Minneapolis police officers forcefully subdued him and three of them pressed his knee. against Floyd’s body for several minutes, one of them on the victim’s neck. Several of the protesters wrecked various businesses such as restaurants and shops, and a large group attacked at least two of the entrances to the CNN center, breaking doors, windows and painting. At least one police officer was reportedly injured.

Violent protesters attack CNN headquarters in Atlanta 4:18

2 months ago

Fire near Centennial Olympic Park in Atlanta

A fire broke out in a vehicle near the Centennial Olympic Park, according to video by CNN team Nick Valencia and Kevin Conlon.

This is the second car that has been on fire near the CNN Center today during the protest.

2 months ago

Protesters briefly gain access to the Treasury Department complex in the city of Washington

By Noah Gray

Protesters in the U.S. capital stormed the Treasury Department complex and spray-painted the area, a security source told CNN.

Some of the protesters were briefly detained by the US Secret Service, but eventually released.

2 months ago

More police join the barricade inside the CNN Center in Atlanta

Police officers and protesters confront the CNN Center in Atlanta, Georgia, on Friday, May 29. (Credit: Mike Stewart / AP)

Live footage of the clash inside the CNN Center, the chain’s headquarters in Atlanta, shows several additional police officers joining the barricade, as protesters continue to drop objects from the entrance of Marietta Street.

At least 18 police officers hold the line with shields, as protests continue. Protesters are on the sidewalk just outside the entrance.

A man with a skateboard repeatedly hit the glass next to revolving doors in an attempt to break it.

2 months ago

Mayor of Atlanta: “This is not a protest … this is chaos”

Atlanta Mayor Keisha Lance Bottoms was visibly angry at a press conference during the Atlanta protests on Friday, telling protesters to “go home” after they became violent and a police officer was injured.

“What I see happening on the streets of Atlanta is not Atlanta. This is not a protest, this is not in the spirit of Martin Luther King, Jr. This is chaos. A protest has a purpose. When Dr. King was killed, we did not do this to our city, “he said. “If you want a change in the United States, go and register to vote … that’s the change we need in this country.”

He added: “If you care about this city, go home.”

2 months ago

Smoke bomb launched against agents and a person detained inside the CNN Center

A smoke bomb appears to have been thrown at the police among various other objects while they were standing inside the CNN Center, according to a video by CNN’s Nick Valencia and Kevin Conlon’s team.

A group of protesters stands outside the entrance on Marietta Street as police continue to throw objects at them.

Police detained one person and put what appeared to be a zip tie around his wrists.

The Atlanta Police Department has a compound within the CNN Center.

2 months ago

Agent hit by an object inside the CNN Center

An agent was hit by an unknown object and is in the CNN Center, according to CNN’s Nick Valencia and Kevin Conlon, who are inside the staircase at the entrance to the building.

The crowd entered behind the police as tensions between protesters and police spilled outside the CNN Center.

On the side of the building on Marietta Street, police are arresting protesters who have broken doors and windows and continue to throw objects.

Currently, the police inside the building are in a confrontation with protesters gathered on the sidewalk along Marietta Street.

2 months ago

Police issue orders to disperse large crowd outside CNN headquarters in Atlanta

(Alyssa Pointer/Atlanta Journal-Constitution via AP)

Police are issuing orders to disperse a large group of protesters in front of the CNN Center in Atlanta, Georgia.

Large numbers of helmeted police officers are creating a blockade. They confront protesters with posters.

In a video taken by CNN, officers were seen handing out cuff straps.

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