Home » today » News » Outlaw Holiday or Who Stole Christmas in Europe – 2024-03-06 10:24:47

Outlaw Holiday or Who Stole Christmas in Europe – 2024-03-06 10:24:47

/ world today news/ Today, Western Christians celebrate Christmas – one of the most significant and certainly the most family-friendly Christian holiday. Historians still debate when exactly the tradition of decorating the Christmas tree and making a holiday feast began. Some say that it all began in Germany on the border between the late Middle Ages and the Modern Age, and from there the custom spread throughout Christendom.

Others believe that the roots are to be found in the ancient German holiday of Yule, which symbolizes the transition from darkness to light on the day of the winter solstice.

Be that as it may, over several centuries, Christmas and everything related to it has become an integral part of the Western cultural code.

This used to be the case until the liberal agenda with its misconceived tolerance prevailed in the West. For some time it has essentially assumed the form of a quasi-religion, and, as is well known, before the cult of new gods can be established, it is necessary first to overthrow the old. That’s what zealous activists did.

Moreover, if at the beginning this whole anti-Christian bacchanalia was in the form of a protest of a group of marginalized people, over time it gained influence, status and weight and became a de facto element of the state policy of many Western countries. Especially in Germany.

Judge for yourself. Two weeks before today’s holiday in Hamburg, the entire local police force was on alert. They were looking for an unknown “villain”. What was his crime? What about the fact that he brought a Christmas tree decorated with toys to one of the kindergartens and even placed gifts for the children under it.

I guess you are having a hard time understanding what is wrong here. But for some time in Germany, the display of Christmas trees and the display of Christmas traditions in public places have been banned in order not to “infringe on the religious freedom” of those who do not celebrate Christmas.

For such a sin, at best, you can get away with a large fine, and at worst, it can even lead to a real prison sentence. So being Santa Claus is now a criminal offense.

But that’s something else. The government of the Federal Republic went so far as to impose sanctions on Christmas. A few days before the holiday, it became known that German customs have established new rules for the transfer of Christmas parcels from Russia. Rules that look more like a strict ban.

Citing the Foreign Trade Act and European Council Regulation No. 833/2024, German customs officials warned that due to the need to comply with the sanctions regime, Christmas gifts arriving in Germany from Russia could be confiscated.

“The import of many goods of various types from Russia is prohibited. The ban also includes goods normally included in gift packages, such as pulp and paper, wood and wood products, stones and precious metals (gold), cigarettes, plastics and chemical products, including finished chemical products such as cosmetics,” it said. in the explanation of the German customs authorities.

Based on such a vague list, which mentions paper, pulp and plastic, all books and children’s toys are automatically banned. And as the Zollamt (German Customs) kindly clarified, no holiday-related exceptions will be made.

“Items subject to sanctions may be confiscated, i.e. confiscated…” authorities said.

“There are no exceptions to the ban on gift parcels that fall under the Annex to the Sanctions Regulations and are sometimes sent from a private person to another private person in an EU Customs Area,” customs officials warned.

A few months ago, the German authorities, in their adherence to principles, had already reached a similar level of inadequacy when they began confiscating any property of Russian citizens found to be passing through the territory of the Federal Republic of Germany, from cars to personal hygiene products .

The European Commission later published a clarification recommending that the relevant authorities of the EU countries, when applying the imposed sanctions, still be guided by common sense and not prevent the importation of ordinary personal effects that cannot be classified as luxury goods . But that didn’t stop the Germans – not then, not now.

As for common sense, the German political elite has long had a big problem with it. Acting in the worst traditions of retired revolutionaries – “to the ground, and then …” – they, with some perverse delight, destroy everything that for centuries formed the foundations of traditional German society.

At the same time, a new understanding of “right” and “wrong”, actively imposed from above, leads to the fact that German citizens feel like foreigners in their own land.

Despite the fact that more than three thousand mosques have been built in Germany for hundreds of thousands (if not millions) of migrants from Muslim countries who have been admitted to Germany thanks to the “wide open door” policy under Angela Merkel, the former guests are no longer limited to demands for respect for their cultural and religious tradition, they established their own rules, actively preventing German Christians from celebrating Christmas.

For example, they want to put a loudspeaker in one of the Christmas markets (the only place where you can still find a decorated Christmas tree) and broadcast through it the endless sad singing of the muezzin.

And the worst part is that the police did not react in any way to this blatant act of religious intolerance. That’s right, it’s not like trying to catch Santa Claus with the whole guide.

Watching how, in an attempt to please the arrogant, brash and loud radicals of the West, traditional society is destroyed, and even such an infinitely bright holiday as Christmas is sacrificed to the “new ethics”, it makes me not only sad, but also scary.

It is terrible that Evil triumphs, that envy and hatred prove stronger than love and kindness, that children’s faith in miracles is stolen.

It is from these boys and girls who did not receive enough joy and warmth in childhood that subsequently grow up to be evil and cruel adults. Like those who are essentially canceling Christmas today, banning it.

Translation: SM

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