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Outlander: Fun Details Before Season 5 You Never Knew About The Series

There are many things you never knew about the making of Outlander and now before season 5 we tell you some of the most curious. Everything from the beginning of the series to the most epic costumes.

April 19, 2021 19:37-

Season 5 of Outlander is on the way. After a year off the air, and like Jamie (Sam Heughan) and Claire Fraser (Caitriona Balfe), our love of drama stands the test of time. We took a deep dive in conducting Outlander; Below are the weirdest facts you never knew about the show.

Outlander: Details that make it one of the best series of the moment

One of the most curious details has to do with its main actor, Sam Heughan. While filming season four, the actor decided to run two marathons in four weeks. The protagonist told a media supporter that he broke his personal best both times by a minute in case you’re wondering.

Another interesting point is that the author Diana Gabaldon never planned to post Outlander. Inspired by a chapter of Doctor Who, Gabaldon was particularly drawn to the character of Jamie McCrimmon to think about the story, which was originally planned as a film rather than a series, starring Katherine Heigl in the role of Claire (instead of Catriona Balfe).

Filming for the fourth season took place in Scotland, not North Carolina. As fans know, the fourth season of Outlander saw the couple settle down with their family in North Carolina. But instead of filming there, they created and found sets in Scotland that closely resembled the landscapes of America and North Carolina, greatly saving production costs.

Outlander: The details of the costumes of the female characters has dozens of copies

Without a doubt that the success of the series helped in other aspects. Tourism to Scotland grew 67% after the premiere. Doune Castle, which is also Leoch Castle on the show, has seen the most new travelers with a 226.5 percent increase in visitors since the premiere of Outlander.

The wardrobe department of Outlander It is huge and consists of several rooms, all loaded with dresses and shoes. It’s so large and complex that costume designer Terry Dresbach launched a barcode digital inventory system called “Mother” to keep track of everything.

For example Claire’s 18th century main outfit has 12 copies in case something happens to the main one. Other details indicate that each of the costumes is hand-dyed and hand-aged, to make it look really vintage.

Regarding the casting, it was commented that the search for the main actors was really extensive. When Jamie’s casting started, Liam Neeson y Sean Connery they were the first contenders. Sam Heughan finally landed the role after a Skype interview.

Outlander: Historians focus on every detail being truly accurate

Claire’s casting took much longer than anticipated. Just three weeks before production began, the casting director had yet to find Claire. They had a couple of actresses on hold, but neither was entirely right. Finally, they saw a clip of Caitriona Balfe and booked her for the concert.

The accessories look incredibly realistic. That is why the historian of OutlanderTony Pollard makes sure that weapons and costumes are historically accurate. That is why if you pay attention to the details, you will see very well presented vintage weapons.

Another interesting detail, for example in the food, is that it is not props and every food you see in the program is real. The character details are no exception, for example the silicone scars that cover Jamie’s back are so fragile and require special care during filming. These scars take hours to apply between each of the scenes, making Outlander an extensive schedule in filming.

Shooting a historic show in the 21st century means that the team is constantly modifying its setting. The team of Outlander pay attention to the smallest details to ensure each set reflects an 18th century setting. They even modify windows, ceilings and shutters.

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