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Outings – Leisure | More beautiful life: resumption of episodes unpublished this evening on France 3, find our interviews of the actors of the series

It is an event that was expected by millions of fans. Tonight at 8:20 pm on France 3, the followers of Plus belle la vie will find the rest of their favorite series, with the return of previously unreleased episodes a month after the resumption of filming in the Belle-de-Mai studios. For the occasion, Élodie Varlet and Emanuele Giorgi, who embody Estelle and Francesco respectively, confide in a “cash interview” on their relationship with “PBLV”, their complicity but also their first steps in this long adventure.

“The strength of Plus belle la vie? Know how to renew yourself”: our cross-interview with Élodie Varlet and Emanuele Giorgi

Élodie Varlet and Emanuele Giorgi.Photos DR France 3

A word to sum up the series?

Élodie Varlet: Life, quite simply.

Emanuele Giorgi: “Beautiful” ? (laughs) “Does” it also work? (laughs) More seriously, I would say universal.

A quality and a defect for your character?

Élodie Varlet: The default, spontaneously, I would say jealous! And the quality … (she thinks). She goes to the end of things. So go-getter.

Emanuele Giorgi: I thought about it yesterday in addition and I couldn’t find a word. But there, instinctively, I would say passionate about quality and defect! Sometimes Francesco lacks that balance a bit, even if he is finding it.

A word to describe your gaming partner?

Élodie Varlet: Delicate … Or else, involved!

Emanuele Giorgi: Cash! You always know what she thinks.

An adjective to describe Marseille?

Élodie Varlet: Multicultural. But unexpected too, it is a city that changes.

Emanuele Giorgi: Opened. You have this door to the Mediterranean with all these cultures, these colors, these scents …

Any anecdote about your first days of filming?

Élodie Varlet: It was with Ambroise Michel, who was my first acting partner. I was not a professional actress and it was a little impressive for me to arrive. I had a day outdoors, we were in an old, abandoned building, near Sainte-Marguerite in memory. There were only technical problems, all day, with lights going out … I was completely lost! But Ambroise managed to reassure me and I could really play thanks to him.

Emanuele Giorgi: Me, it’s more a feeling. I arrived in France as Francesco arrived in the series. He arrives in the Old Port, a bit like an adventurer with his bag. It reminded me of my personal life, when I came up with a language I didn’t know. It was for me like a leap into the void at 30, leaving Italy. Something that leads me to recreate my universe, even if I was very happy in my country. I too arrived in Marseille. That’s why I said it’s an open city. We feel that there is something welcoming here.

A wish for the series?

Élodie Varlet: May she always know how to renew herself. It is its strength and that is why it is still there. I hope that we manage to stay on this same wavelength so that it always speaks to people.

Emanuele Giorgi: I agree. And above all, that she can keep this independence and this courage. We are very committed to raising issues that are not always easy and that our society does not always let pass. I would like us to keep this audacity.

A more personal wish?

Élodie Varlet: To always know how to take the best and keep it.

Emanuele Giorgi: It is up to us to be happy, it is our responsibility. Personally, it would be reborn every day so as not to fall into a routine, whether in my relationship, in my private life, in my artistic life … It is not easy. There is always the risk of falling into automatisms. Then I would like to add something. With confinement, we had time to settle down. And it is a wish for all: I hope that we can make this experience a treasure. You have to be able to ask yourself from time to time and know what you want to move forward.

Élodie Varlet: Then, I don’t want to do my basic eco-friendly, but I have the impression that there was a collective awareness about this during the confinement. If we can keep that in mind …

Emanuele Giorgi: And don’t go back to what was before confinement, to the abnormal.

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