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Outdoors: Winter gives way to spring the first weekend of the year – News Geneva: Geneva news

With the third coat of clothing removed this midday Saturday, we ended up consulting the forecasters, just to make sure that this spring offensive in January was not going to end in stripping for everyone. In one voice, they replied, “No winter weather in sight.”

We saw, and especially felt, the heat imposed itself from 10am in the morning. Before noon, the 10 degrees announced in the plain were reached. At the edge of the Rhone, in the protected areas of an otherwise non-existent wind, the walkers said that it was even frankly warmer.

A spring atmosphere well installed, under a cloudless sky, both clear and deep, giving additional relief to the weekend in the open air. Immediate consequence: people go out in gangs, occupy street furniture wherever it is. Starting with the quay of Bergues, richly endowed with public benches. They are all invested, of the three places which makes four, as if, at the same time, just opposite, between the bridges of the Bergues and the Machine, was playing a river competition.

This weekend, the weather belongs to pedestrians. They are the kings of the city, particularly on the Quai des Bergues. Photo: Laurent Guiraud

Just behind, the cars continue to parade at low speed, to the rhythm of a mechanized corso – at 2:30 p.m., two Rolls Royces in the size of an armored vehicle -, luxury tanks, very photographed, making their way through the crowd, like an adventure film chase (the last James Bond comes out in the spring), but in slow motion.

This cinema of all opposites, flush with the pavement, lives its final projections. The “meeting area” will disappear by mid-January in favor of a complete pedestrianization of the sector. In good weather confirmed – this Sunday, we stay in spring -, the incongruity is worth the detour.

We never tire. Like quoting literally the weather report for this January 4, 2020 blessed by the gods: “The Azores high is strengthening its influence towards Switzerland and will maintain its grip there until Monday.” The Geneva grip on the matter guarantees lovely Sunday walks.

Created: 04.01.2020, 5:47 p.m.

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