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Outbreak of Dengue Cases in Peru Leads to School Calendar Modifications: Concern for Public Health Rises

Dengue cases in the country continue to increase and have girls, boys and adolescents among those affected. Photos: Andina/Composition Infobae

Adverse weather conditions and concern for public health have led the Minister of Education, Miriam Ponce, to announce modifications to the school calendar for the year 2024 in Peru.

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Specifically, the Ica region will delay the start of the school year until March 18. The postponement request made by local authorities meets the demand to protect approximately 250,000 students from the high temperatures expected for the original start date.

This is in order to guarantee the well-being of the student population, allowing them to return to the classrooms in safer conditions.

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Meanwhile, in Ancash, implementation of the same measure throughout the department is being evaluated due to the dengue outbreak. Regarding this, Ponce highlighted that the ministry is waiting for a detailed report from the Regional Directorate of Education to make an informed decision.

According to the Dengue Situation Room of the Minsa, in the first eight weeks of 2024, around 34 thousand cases were registered, which means an increase of 131% more cases than in the same period of time in 2023. Minister of Education, Miriam Ponce has expressed her concern about this. Photo: Andina

Currently, the province of Casma, in the Ancash region, has postponed the start of the school year as a measure to combat the rise in dengue cases, which have reached a figure of 1,318 infected. In addition, nine deaths related to the disease have been recorded.

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This situation has led to a declaration of a health emergency, also considering the high temperatures that have been reaching 33 degrees in recent days.

For this reason, in Casma, the start of classes has been postponed to March 25, according to the Ancash Regional Directorate of Education.

Meanwhile, in the province of Huarmey, the suspension of the beginning of the 2024 school year would also be official, according to Regional Directorial Resolution No. 0303. With said order, classes will only begin on March 18.

Esmila Vidal Quito, director of the Huarmey Local Educational Management Unit (UGEL), formally requested the postponement of the academic calendar as a preventive measure against the accelerated increase in dengue cases, added to the season of intense high temperatures.

Well, the Regional Health Directorate has reported, to date, a total of 813 confirmed cases of dengue in Huarmey, which positions the province as the fourth most affected within the Áncash region.

The Minsa recommends that families stop attending classes if they have symptoms of dengue. Photo: Andina

The transmission of dengue, a disease caused by the virus of the same name and spread by the Aedes aegypti mosquito, does not occur directly from person to person.

Infection occurs exclusively through the bite of a previously infected mosquito. Faced with this health scenario, it is vital to be alert to the alarm symptoms that include high fever, severe headaches and muscle aches, rash, and in more serious cases, bleeding from the nose and gums.

Along these lines, prevention plays a fundamental role in the fight against this disease. Therefore, at home, it is essential to eliminate potential mosquito breeding sites, such as containers that accumulate stagnant water.

On the other hand, in the school environment, it is important to ensure that students wear clothing that protects their arms and legs and apply repellent regularly to minimize the risk of bites.

2024-03-10 20:16:00
#Start #school #year #postponed #provinces #region #Find

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