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Outbreak of Chickenpox in Egyptian Schools Prompts Urgent Response from Ministry of Education

An official letter issued by the Egyptian Ministry of Education revealed the spread of an infectious disease among students in some schools in the governorates.

The Ministry sent an important and urgent letter to the educational directorates in all governorates about the spread of chickenpox among students in a number of schools in the governorates, after it received a report stating this. She called for taking all preventive and precautionary measures, and educating students on how to prevent chickenpox, while considering the matter important and urgent.

Usual procedures
For his part, Shadi Zalta, the ministry’s official spokesman, explained that the letter aims to take the usual precautionary measures to confront infectious diseases that accompany the onset of winter, including chicken pox.

He also stressed that these procedures are usual and are directed periodically at the beginning of exams and do not reflect the spread of any specific diseases, adding that the precautionary measures coincided with the emergence of a case in one of the schools, stressing that there is complete coordination with the Ministry of Health in the event that any disease cases are detected in students.

In addition, the Preventive Medicine Sector at the Ministry of Health revealed that chickenpox is a highly contagious viral disease that generally affects children, but it can also infect adults.

Infection with this disease often occurs during the winter and spring seasons, and the incubation period ranges from 10 to 21 days.

Symptoms of the disease also include high fever and fatigue, followed by the appearance of a rash on the face, arms and legs.

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2024-01-04 05:36:30

#infectious #disease #spreading #schools #country.. #urgent #speech #reveals

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