Home » today » World » Outbreak ″ serious and complex ″. China confines 1.5 million people in canton near Beijing

Outbreak ″ serious and complex ″. China confines 1.5 million people in canton near Beijing

The country had managed to contain the evolution of contagions due to the new coronavirus, but the detection of more than 300 new cases in the city in just over two weeks has fueled fears of a second wave of contamination.

Local authorities have meanwhile launched a vast testing campaign, closed schools, asked Beijing residents to stay in the city, avoiding travel outside the capital, and confined several thousand people to residential areas considered to be at higher risk of contagion.

This Sunday, according to the agency France-Presse, the local authorities announced the confinement of the canton of Anxin, located some 60 kilometers south of the capital, in Hebei province, where eleven cases related to the outbreak in Beijing were detected.

The indications are that only one person per family will be able to go out once a day to buy food or medicine.

The Health Ministry said today that China diagnosed 17 new cases of covid-19 in the last 24 hours, including 14 in Beijing.

All cases in Beijing are locally contagious. The remaining three are from abroad and have been diagnosed in different parts of the country. The China Health Commission has reported no new deaths across the country.

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