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“Our objective is to safeguard jobs” – Objectif Gard

“Our objective is to safeguard jobs” – Objectif Gard
Mayor of Caissargues and Vice-President of Nîmes Métropole in charge of economic development, Olivier Fabregoul (Photo: Coralie Mollaret)

Health crisis, business assistance, new organization of its service… The vice-president of Nîmes Métropole in charge of economic development, Olivier Fabregoul, takes stock of his action.

Objectif Gard: What impact does the new confinement have on the economy of Nîmes Métropole?

Olivier Fabregoul : You know, I came into business in the midst of managing the health crisis. We have 25,000 companies in the region and we have not yet fully measured the effects of the crisis. What I can say is that the second lockdown has less impact than the first since people continue to work. We can see it in the aid requests. Today, our objective is to safeguard jobs.

How do you help businesses in the area?

Since March, an envelope of 3M to help 4,700 businesses has been set up. This aid involves a reduction in the CFE (Business property contribution) for 800 businesses operating in the trade, tourism sector, etc. A tax rebate which represents 607,000 less for the finances of the Agglo, the other part being supported by the State. There is also the State solidarity fund which represents 1.7 M. It helps a business manager up to 1,500 per month since March. Finally, you have the investment aid applications. Note that the € 3 million envelope has not been fully consumed.

Five “inappropriate” help files

You are also the manager of Esprit Média. Have you benefited from a file?

Yes, I have experienced it. Quite frankly, it is not obvious. You must go to the site hubenterprise of the Regional Council. You must provide all the information requested (number of employees, sector of activity, etc.) because each box is blocking. To benefit from most aid, your turnover must have fallen by 50%. It can quickly become a puzzle … On the one hand, you will have people capable of putting together cases and, on the other, business leaders in distress who will have difficulty doing it. Not to mention that I observed inappropriate requests for help …

… What do you mean by “inappropriate”?

I was shocked by some files. Fortunately, our president Franck Proust carefully looks at these requests, which can go up to more than 10,000. Five files were blocked. When I see requests for facades or furniture renovations, we can see that some are looking to earn money! However, the L’OCCAL fund is used to help companies get through this health crisis. This involves, for example, the setting up of a click and collect.

Along with the management of the crisis, your mission is to develop the economy of the territory. Recently arrived in business, what conclusion do you draw?

We are in need of land. There really wasn’t a long-term perspective. The problem is that building activity zones takes time. Between the compensation of agricultural areas and the protection of fauna and flora… Everything becomes blocking! For example, at Nîmes airport, there is a small orchid blocking the development of land on the edge of the runway. As for Marguerittes, the Tec 2 of the Actiparc will not be able to open: it serves as land compensation. So today, we look twice when a company wants to set up. Especially if they are logistics companies, which consume a lot of space for the number of jobs created.

What about Magna Porta? This future activity zone around the Nîmes-Pont du Gard station could be an answer to the lack of land, right?

SLP Agate continues to acquire land. Studies are continuing. On this project, the Agglo has fallen behind. We hope to start marketing 50 hectares in 2023. With Franck Proust, we have started to meet some companies working in the water sector. The idea of ​​a theme park around Romanism has not been abandoned. For the rest, we are working on hollow teeth in the activity zones: the extension of a zone is always more interesting, the axes of communication being already existing.

A word on the reorganization of the economic development department. You have welcomed a new deputy director, Sandrine Ratajczak. What is the purpose of this reshuffle ?

I made several proposals. I am waiting for President Franck Proust and the Director General of Services to speak out. What I can tell you is that today the organization of economic development is murky. There are plenty of satellites – including the economic development agency Openîmes -. I want to simplify things and refocus them around a service: Nîmes business metropolis. I am looking for an umbrella brand with a one-stop shop for efficiency. Currently, when you are a company wishing to settle in Nîmes, you have six possible entries… We need to refocus the missions to create a real customer journey for the company manager.

Interview by Coralie Mollaret

[email protected]

And also :

Airport: towards a collaboration with the deputy Dumas? The vice-president of Nîmes métropole would like to work with the deputy of Gard, president of the Defense commission, on the subject of the extension of the zone of activity which surrounds the airport. An area stuck to the 503rd regiment of the train. ” We are waiting to acquire and develop certain spaces. For example, there were sites with radars for the airport that are no longer used », expose Olivier Fabregoul.

Develop the tourism and agrifood sectors. Under the previous mandate, the economic development agency had defined civil security and medical devices as priority sectors. ” I add agribusiness and tourism. Promoting tourism doesn’t just mean selling our image. It also involves setting up tourist companies. We have the Region which has the most AOC and AOP in all of Occitania. We will have four flagship sectors without neglecting the other sectors. We will have four people dedicated to those sectors », Indicates Olivier Fabregoul.

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