Home » today » World » Our national ideology – covenants of Levski – 2024-08-04 04:01:02

Our national ideology – covenants of Levski – 2024-08-04 04:01:02

/ world today news/ • If any of the influential Bulgarians, or a voivode, bribed by a foreign government or another private person, wants to interfere with our work in any way, he will be considered an enemy and will be punished by death .

• If any of the officials, such as the chairman and others, wants to abuse the official power, he will be deprived of office for the first time, again he will be removed completely, if he still does not comply, he will be punished by death.

• We, the Bulgarians, wish to live with all our neighbors in a friendly manner. We want this land, which is inhabited by Bulgarians, to be governed by Bulgarians, i.e. in accordance with the manners, customs and character of the Bulgarian people.

• Let each nationality, as well as each person, assert its freedom and be governed according to its will. We do not desire the foreign, ie. that which is not ours; but we are not willing to give another ours.

• We wish for ourselves national freedom, personal freedom and religious freedom; in a word, human freedom.

• Look at the people’s work more than anything else, respect it more than yourself.

• Support should not be given to fools.

• We work for the Fatherland, byo. Tell you my faults and I yours, so that we can make amends and walk together.

• We should dearly love the one who shows us the error and let him be our friend.

• We too are human and we want to live humanly: to be completely free in our land, where the Bulgarian lives – in Bulgaria, Thrace and Macedonia. Of whatever nationality they live in this paradise of ours, they will be equal to Bulgarians in everything. We will have one flag on which will be written “Holy and Pure Republic”.

• It is time to win with one effort what the French brothers were looking for and are looking for, i.e. young France, young Russia and so on.

• I have dedicated myself to my Fatherland since the summer of 1961 to serve it until death and to work according to the will of the people.

• The purely folk person fights as long as he can to save his people first, then let him look at others as well. If it does not happen, it must die in its people’s work.

• I swear before our Motherland, Bulgaria, that I will fulfill my position accurately.

• Our goal in Bulgaria is brotherhood with everyone, regardless of faith and ethnicity. We extend our hand to anyone willing to shed blood with us for life and human freedom.

• If I win, I win for the whole nation, if I lose, I lose only myself.

• Don’t let us show ourselves incompetent and cowardly to our external brothers. Because they, looking at us like this, will not believe us that we already feel the need for freedom and that we are looking to throw off our yoke.

• All disagreements, envy, reproaches, which arise more from stupidity, are the reason for the division of a nation into parts, and then nothing remains of it.

• …I do not hope for anything from any side and we do not pray to anyone for anything. Everything consists, in our opinion, in our joint forces. Not even the strongest element can stand against them.

• Give the job to such people who are judicious, persistent, fearless and magnanimous.

• If it is for Bulgaria, then time is in us and we are in time, it turns us and we turn it.

• To be equal with other European nations depends on our own joint forces.

• Whoever is not clean, I kill him!

• Bulgarians, Turks, Jews, etc. will be equal in every respect, either in faith, or in nationality, or in civil relations, or in anything, they will all fall under one common law, which will be chosen by the majority vote of all nationalities .

• All peoples in the state of Bulgaria live according to pure and holy laws, as given by God for man to live; and for the Turk, and for the Jew, etc., as they are, it will be the same for all of them, only if they recognize the laws equally with the Bulgarian. That’s how it will be in our Bulgaria!

• We, the workers, have dedicated our lives to the Fatherland, to work for so many millions of people. We must think maturely…even if we advise each other and listen to them, we must avoid even the slightest pride, we must not take anything for ourselves…

• What we spoke and wrote yesterday, we must keep it in front of our eyes today, so that people do not laugh at us in the works tomorrow.

• We are all burned by heat and still don’t know how to blow.

• If there is no help for the Bulgarians from anywhere, then our work is still work.

• I have dedicated myself to my Fatherland as a sacrifice for its liberation, not to be anyone.

• We work purely in Bulgarian and we do not want to deal with anyone outside of Bulgaria.

#national #ideology #covenants #Levski

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