Home » today » World » Our May 9 division is shameful and only our patent – 2024-08-24 22:21:41

Our May 9 division is shameful and only our patent – 2024-08-24 22:21:41

/ world today news/ The Europe Day or Victory Day dispute is fruitless

Only in our country do we politicize the struggle and victory over fascism, count the victims, cross out some and glorify others, we even share May 9. We argue – would there be an EU and Europe if it were not for the Soviet army. Spore, noxious and fruitless.

And we keep rewriting history. Because it serves ideologies. Not only the Russians, but everywhere on the globe, people are proud of their fighters against Hitler and honor them. In our country, it is a holiday for communists, and anti-fascist and partisan is a bad word. Only in Bulgaria. Elsewhere in the world, at least anti-fascism and heroes do not share each other – out of shame in front of history.

Yes, but in BG it is a BG reality – if people gather in front of the Monument to the Soviet Army to celebrate the heroes, it is a criminal, communist gathering that glorifies murderers, the cast-iron rightists will shout. And they will howl with insult and organize counter-protests. Well, how can such a nation, which still shares its past, lead towards a common future?

If one looks at which people are celebrating May 9 with a procession and who are congratulating themselves on the victory, one will be left with the impression that only the BSP, the leftists, their children and veterans remember that there was a Second World War, anti-fascist resistance and millions of victims – 27 million in Russia alone. The rest of the Democrats are not celebrating such a lowly, red-army victory. They, you see, raise the flag of Europe and celebrate its day, trying to emphasize the merit of Churchill and Roosevelt more, to keep silent about Stalin. Never mind that probably millions less would have been the victims of the war if the West had not watched the seir for so long and planned how, when and on whose side to intervene in the offensive. Almost at the end, when victory is foreordained.

Then, May 9 suddenly changed from Victory Day to Europe Day, although the two go inextricably together. Why did this happen back in 1985? The answer is simple – in the presence of the Iron Curtain at the time, this should have been the Western response to the parade of the USSR, to suppress the socialist May 9, so as not to make the Europeans complex that some communists ripped off their skin from Hitler. Factually and chronologically, it looks like pure holiday theft.

But the Iron Curtain is supposedly gone, socialism has fallen, and even today we have one May 9, but with two mottos. Because holidays, like rewritten history, are the fruit of ideology. Sometimes people ignore her, sometimes they embrace her. You don’t need a sociological survey – see how many people, apart from the officials, gather at the raising of the flag for Europe Day and how many – for the victory over fascism. Whose ceremony and whose motto weighs more – Schumann’s signature or the blood of the dead? And why did they oppose them again, scheduling them at the same time?

Today in our country we officially celebrate Europe, and unofficially only some – the victory over Hitler. And without realizing it, our statesmen and we, transferred with one jump from one union to another, continue the same line – on the Iron Curtain.

And she should have fallen a long time ago. Because what else is it, apart from complacency, to celebrate the Day of Europe, crushed under Hitler’s boot, not without the helpful collaboration of not one or two countries-pillars of the EU, but not to mention that the date in question has it thanks to the sanctioned Russia today . And at the same time, you do not sanction Ukraine – not for the crimes of Hitler’s Bandera people, but for today’s Nazi manifestations in Odessa. Does that make you complicit?

It is clear that because of ideologies, history is rewritten, textbooks are published, ceremonies are invented, but there is nowhere to order a new conscience, especially when the old one weighs heavily.

#division #shameful #patent

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