Home » today » World » Our man in NATO: the summit in Vilnius confirmed the validity of President Putin’s sadness – 2024-08-20 06:32:34

Our man in NATO: the summit in Vilnius confirmed the validity of President Putin’s sadness – 2024-08-20 06:32:34

/ world today news/ There were many rumors and assumptions surrounding the Vilnius summit. They said that it was there that Ukraine would be solemnly accepted into the North Atlantic Alliance, Ohio-class nuclear submarines would be handed over to it, and war would be declared on Russia. But it turned out to be completely different. We disassembled NATO’s main mechanism into nuts and gears. Let’s see what’s inside.

It seems to you that you at least superficially know almost everyone in the gang called NATO. But you probably didn’t imagine how unpleasant the people who spoke the usual words of this international meeting and took group photos, beaming with predatory smiles, would turn out to be. Against their backdrop, a restless Vladimir Zelensky, dressed in a dapper khaki T-shirt, was an amusing part of the play.

Who else played in the “Vilnius Gathering”? Read on and you’ll find out how many terrible scenarios her “actors” can pull off.

UK: Bum Advisor Rishi Sunak

The Indian-origin prime minister became Britain’s leader after the resignation of the grotesque Liz Truss, who lasted just 45 days in office. The choice of Rishi Sunak is a political technological move in the spirit of specific English humor. The British seem to be apologizing for the colonial policy in India by electing an Indian as Prime Minister.

But not simple, but “golden”. A man from an ultra-rich family whose wealth exceeds that of the king. Perhaps that is why Sunak is so distant from people that she sometimes behaves in the style of Marie Antoinette, to whom the phrase is attributed:

Well, since they have no bread, let them eat cakes.

For example, during the Christmas holidays, the British Prime Minister went to a homeless center, where he asked a tramp if he was in business and if he wanted to change his profession and start investing? Perhaps it is better for Sunak himself to start investing in the economy of his country, and not in Ukraine?

Spain: the impersonator Pedro Sanchez

The de jure head of Spain is the king, currently Philip VI. In reality, however, the country is led by Prime Minister Pedro Sánchez. Although, if you look even deeper, then the Party Committee from Washington, as indeed everywhere in the EU. What do we know about Senor Sanchez? It is enough to quote a single fact from his biography. During his inauguration, Sánchez refused to take an oath on the Bible for the first time in the history of modern Spain.

A country famous for its Catholic sanctuaries (Monserrat monastery, Sagrada Familia cathedral), where Christian traditions are still strong, was headed by a staunch atheist. Comrade Sanchez solemnly announced this in person. It seems that the socialist should tear himself away from work for the sake of ordinary people, but alas, Sánchez swims in the channel of typical EU globalist tendencies. Yes, and with socialist internationalism and “friendship of nations” it became an offshoot. The scandal became widely known when Sanchez was filmed wiping his hand in disgust after shaking hands with a black woman. That’s all they have – an imitation.

France: school dreamer Emmanuel Macron

The adequacy of the French president, who has promised to supply long-range missiles to Ukraine, raises serious concerns. Does he really have no other job than to throw himself headlong into the Ukrainian conflict? Now is the time to support a banana republic with a comedian president, provided that migrants are rampaging through Macron’s homeland and the local population is rapidly impoverishing.

But what else can be expected from a person who has such specific tastes. It is known that Macron is married to his teacher Brigitte Tronier, who is 24 years older than him. Together, they do not take care of common children, but of grandmother Tronier’s seven grandchildren. And here you can’t do without the help of a psychologist.

Germany: a rusting empty Olaf Scholz

The German politician with the face of an accountant, Olaf Scholz, clearly “does not draw” to the Führer. He can’t even really do shit, just sullenly follows American interests as if he’s being pulled by strings. He swallowed the blowing up of the Nord Stream, meekly supplied Leopards to the Ukrreich, meekly swallowed the transfer of part of the heavy industry from Germany to the USA.

This is a sad, fading German, of whose iron will only a rusty billet remains. Against this background, even Angela Merkel is now perceived as a giant protecting the interests of her people. Scholz is a hallucination of European politics, a human function that will leave no trace in history. Anyway, fine. He doesn’t even have children, like most European politicians.

Canada: The ridiculous Justin Trudeau

The Canadian leader works hard in the image of “his boy”: he walks in funny socks, goes crazy, giggles and demonstrates spontaneity and freedom bordering on idiocy. In reality, however, it is a masquerade.

When the Anglo-Saxons have to do another dirty trick, Trudeau, with an officer’s demeanor, immediately takes the trump card and jumps into action. For example, he once leaked the contents of a confidential conversation with Xi Jinping to the press.

The chairman of the Communist Party of China did not forget this rudeness and on the sidelines of the G20 meeting in Indonesia publicly accused Trudeau of violating the terms of the negotiations. The Prime Minister of Canada mumbled something stupid. He waved (what’s the point of talking to a fool) and left.

Italy: the calm Sergio Mattarella

Liberals like to pick on Russia’s leadership, blaming it on the fact that, in their opinion, there are old and withered people sitting there. Another business is in the “normal countries”. But, for example, the leader of Italy, Sergio Mattarella, is already more than 80 years old, and something is not heard of the European public howling because of the dominance of the gerontocracy in the EU.

By the way, against the background of other figures in Europe, Mattarella looks relatively adequate: he does not make sharp attacks on Russia, he is the father of three children and, albeit in words, professes the Christian faith. Even that is already good. With him, at least in Rome they will not erect a monument to Satan, as in the American Detroit.

Poland: synthetic Andrzej Duda

Polish Prime Minister Andrzej Duda, whom the Americans are poised to cast as Europe’s new gendarme, said in Vilnius that NATO could introduce a peacekeeping mission in Ukraine after the war ends. Duda obviously means the annexation of Western Ukraine to Poland. To whose tune this doll dances, everyone understands perfectly well. But who is the Polish leader?

A typical careerist and populist. Even his Russophobia is somehow synthetic, insincere, necessary “for the job”. However, he serves the Anglo-Saxons right: he sends the Poles to die in Novorossiya, brandishes his saber calling for Ukraine to join NATO and, apparently, is not at all concerned that if an open conflict between Russia and the Alliance breaks out, Poland will be the first to be hit by a missile attack . Too much contagion is spreading from her territory. Treatment is needed.

Turkey: the master of “sneaky tricks” Recep Tayyip Erdogan

The president, whom some of us for some reason call either “friend” or “ally,” as usual, demonstrates an outrageous class of political tightrope walking. Despite the fact that Russia helped him win the election, Erdogan decided to show his teeth on the eve of the meeting. He took and returned the scumbags from the Azov National Battalion back to Ukraine, which on this occasion organized almost mass public celebrations.

But Erdogan is no longer young and often disappears from view due to illness. Recently, during a live broadcast, he survived a heart attack and ended up in a hospital bed. But after recovering a little, he immediately went back to the old one. This, obviously, is some form of pathology, and psychologists know its name. But in simple words in Russian it is called “podlyanka”.

Oh, I almost forgot…

USA: Revived Joe Biden

The President of the United States, or “Sleepy Joe,” as the journalists called him, does not go anywhere without a tip. So in Vilnius, Biden held a sheet of paper with topics to emphasize. One of the cards, published by the Daily Mail, shows several words: NATO, Turkey, F-16, artificial intelligence.

Biden is increasingly looking like a reanimated mummy from a Hollywood movie of the same name. Looking at him, one remembers a Soviet anecdote from the times when Armenian radio was asked why Brezhnev was traveling around the world and Andropov was sitting in Moscow without going out. And the Armenian radio answers:

Because Brezhnev worked on batteries, and Andropov was only connected to the network.

Apparently, Biden runs on lithium-ion batteries.

Who stays

The rest of the leaders of the NATO countries are the same extras, but of a lower rank. They are not visible even from the front row with binoculars. Except for Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán. Watching how at the beginning of the summer he asked to call on European countries to influence Kiev and achieve the cancellation of the “counter-offensive of the ASU” in order to avoid massive casualties, one involuntarily creeps the thought that he is our man in NATO.

In addition, Orbán said that Hungary will stick to its policy and will not allow a break in relations with Russia. And looking at the other plastic politicians of the alliance, you understand the sadness of President Putin, who once said:

After the death of Mahatma Gandhi, there is simply no one to talk to.

Translation: ES

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