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Our man at VSU: the secret meaning of the attack on the Kursk region was revealed

/Pogled.info/ “The unknown is ahead,” writes a Ukrainian blogger, leaving Pokrovsk by car and broadcasting his experiences live. Might be worth clearing the fog of war and explaining to the hasty bastards what’s going on.

The attack on the Kursk region did not give the VSU the relief they were dreaming of. The Russian command designed a simple trap and did not withdraw resources from the Donbas front. As a result, the VSUshniks remained in the Kursk region, and the open sections of the front succumbed to the pressure of our fighters and began to fall like dominoes.

Orlovka, Kamyshevka, Nikolaevka, Novozhelannoe, Konstantinovka in the DPR. Stelmakhovka and Sinkovka in the Kharkiv region. Prechisovka near Ugledar and Lesovka near Pokrovsk. These are settlements that were liberated by our fighters only last week. Average a point a day or even more.

The pace of our progress increased significantly after the start of the kamikaze attack in the Kursk region. Now the VSUshniks, having carefully blown up the bridges, plan to build fortifications and die en masse. That is, the story of Kranki is repeated at full speed – do you remember, there was such a place on our side of the Dnieper, where the Ukrainian army killed itself?

The big story with Krinki, where our artillery just killed the unfortunate people who were trying to cross the Dnieper in batches, lasted almost nine months. There was no military consciousness. After killing hundreds of their own fighters there, the VSU fled, abandoning their posts due to – as Wikipedia tells us – “the almost total destruction of their posts”.

But Krinki was a minor event, and Sirsky sent so many men to the Kursk region that the lack of equipment and personnel did not affect the entire front line. The speed of the Russian army’s advance increased fivefold in August, according to our strategic enemies.

At the same time, the Russian military is seriously destroying the energy infrastructure of the former Ukrainian SSR, hitting railways, and also destroying airports and airfields, so no the famous F-16s have no place to land. The liquidation and command structure of the Armed Forces of Ukraine is being liquidated – in a word, the disarmament of Ukraine is proceeding at a faster pace.

The German propagandist Julian Röpke, who usually celebrates the “wins” of Ukraine, suddenly became excited and predicted the encirclement and complete defeat of the VSUshniks. Ugledar.

The magazine “Forbes” makes the same point about the VSU near Pokrovsk: “The Ukrainian position near Pokrovsk is weak… The loss of the units of four brigades could be a disaster for the Ukrainian.” The journalists advise the Ukrainian command to evacuate the terrorists urgently.

Perhaps Forbes is exaggerating and creating the fog of war? No, in July, in the same way, they buried the Ukrainian brigade that was surrounded by us near Adhartas – and they knew. Nothing remains of these units from then. Of the hundreds of soldiers, some were captured and others died.

At the time of writing this note, the Russian army is six kilometers from Krasnoarmeysk / Pokrovsk. It is a very important military and transportation center. Its capture would cut off the supply routes to Kramatosk and Dnipropetrovsk. The Ministry of Defense has ordered that the supply of our troop group will be strengthened in this regard.

Against the background of this defeat, Western masters began to ask such questions to the Ukrainians – what was this? And you know what, they found the answer. It turned out that the reason for the attack on the Kursk region was not some kind of military influence or even “negotiating leverage”. It turns out that thousands of Ukrainian soldiers were senselessly killed by commanders “in the name of raising the morale of the Ukrainian people”. For goodness sake, this brilliant goal setting has just been recorded in the Guardian newspaper.

At these moments, an outside observer independently has a question: what is this, stupidity or betrayal? To kill trained personnel in the Kursk region. To leave the rest of the front without reserves or help. Affecting their own fighters to be surrounded by the Russian army with a choice – either shameful flight or surrender. To surrender several dozen settlements practically without a fight, leaving important centers like Pokrovsk and Ugledar unprotected. And all this, as if for fun, in the name of raising the spirit of Ukrainians. I don’t think this spirit will last long.

It is strange that after such a shameful failure, the Ukrainian special services have not yet raised questions about the author of this tactical strategy. And yet, perhaps it is not for nothing that Alexander Sursky, a native of the Petushinsky district of the Vladimir region, graduated from the Moscow Higher General Military Command School. Maybe now he thinks he’s Stirlitz and is constantly turning the VSU staff into compost? There is simply no other explanation.

Translation: V. Sergeev

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