Home » today » World » Our IRMA – indirect scars don’t count – 2024-08-15 22:21:04

Our IRMA – indirect scars don’t count – 2024-08-15 22:21:04

/ world today news/ We are being brutalized by Hurricane Irma and we don’t see what daily devastation is going on here as well.
A tree falls in the park and kills an innocent woman.
A football goal falls in an abandoned stadium and kills a child – and it’s as if nothing happened.
Then they call the stadium in question “unlucky” – without realizing that Bulgaria itself is unlucky.

And from the televisions, they wonder why they haven’t taken out the deadly door yet.
And what if they do – if they don’t bring out the Almighty Irresponsibility?
But where will they store it?
There is no place so vast to accommodate Irresponsibility and Indifference.
Even for the nuclear waste from Kozloduy there is a place, but not for the callousness of the State.

An ill-fated stadium?
In fact, those fake stadiums where some people filled their gas bottles are unfortunate.
You remember how many stadiums they built in villages where a handful of people live.
50-60 people somehow survive in some village – and they build a stadium for 5 million BGN.
These are the unfortunate stadiums that get away with their insolence.
They are also the proof that everything is fake in the scam with the Europeans.

And now what?
They bury the poor child – but the football tournament is not postponed.
They would honor his memory with a minute’s silence.
In fact, they will honor the destructive lack of economy of our country – any kind in which even Bulgarian morals feel abandoned.
A moment of silence for this element – let’s honor it, be silent, swallow it and move on to the next accident.
And next year the tournament would be named after the dead child.
What clowns, what a false mentality!
How did it all happen – and how does it hold up?

Again, on television, they proudly showed another example of the Mishap: they exchange old paper for a new book.
Every child who brings an adult, who brings 5 ​​kilograms of paper, gets a new book.
Nice – this must surely pass as an example of the flourishing of Bulgarian Culture.
And until a quarter of a century ago, the homes of ordinary Bulgarians were full of books – hey, don’t pretend you don’t know it.
I don’t know how many tons of paper were delivered – and thus one thousand and 200 trees were saved from cutting down.
What about the cut in the field of culture, science and education?
How long are you going to be fooled by some TV geeks that there is any real life in the culture?
We are saving one thousand and two hundred trees – however, the fact that mass reading was liquidated, and the attitude towards the book itself – no one counts these “indirect victims”.

And for the Presidency, 200 volunteers were being prepared: they would guide the foreigners to the entrances of the National Palace of Culture, provide them with first aid, meet them at the airport, tell them what transport to use, and tell them the history of the country.
And one volunteer, as if he had crawled out of the litter of zacharivkas, said:
“In general, they should know that Bulgaria is a prosperous country in every respect.”
A prosperous country?
Who made him like this?
Go to Gradezhnitsa, little liar – only there.

Several hundred of our people tried to improve the Guinness record for making faces – we are very far ahead in these wild things.
What we prove in this way, only God knows.
It would make some sense if they were doing their push-ups in front of Parliament.
Those over there, whatever they want to think:
that they are bowed down to – or that there is some energy to be reckoned with.
Energy for push-ups is there.
But for something else – no.


#IRMA #indirect #scars #dont #count

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