Home » today » World » Our healthcare is sick – View Info – 2024-10-07 17:41:51

Our healthcare is sick – View Info – 2024-10-07 17:41:51

/ world today news/ The work of professionals in the health sector is invaluable.
The government is turning the crisis we owe to right-wing politics into an epicrisis – our health care is sick.

The chairman of the BSP, Mihail Mikov, congratulates all professionals from the health sector on the occasion of the Health Worker’s Day and the World Health Day. On Facebook, he states that their work is invaluable, but these days, often unappreciated. “I sincerely wish them to receive the gratitude of patients, guided by their needs and the high moral principles of their profession,” Mikov also wrote. He continues that over the past 15 years, health in our country has been turned into a commodity, hospitals – into commercial companies, and doctors – into officials, administrators, managers and entrepreneurs.

“With its actions, the current government is turning the crisis we owe to this right-wing policy into an epicrisis – our health care is sick,” says the leader of the Socialists. According to him, the minister’s experiments reinforce another role that is contraindicated for doctors – to be a buffer between the authors of the health policy and the patients who suffer from it, to refuse treatment instead of providing it, to divide their patients into poor and rich, and not to the healthy and in need of medical care. Mikov defines this as an insult to the vocation of their profession – noble and humane, not mercantile and clerical. “Their protests are evidence of their disagreement. For a long time now, the actions of Minister Petar Moskov are not only his personal problem, they are not a problem of his opposition-ruling party either, but they are a problem for which the entire government, headed by GERB and Boyko Borisov, is responsible,” Mikov also wrote.

He emphasizes that the BSP has a different idea of ​​people’s health – it is a good and a right, not a commodity. “We are also convinced of equal access to the system that should provide it – it is guaranteed by the Constitution. We believe that doctors should make the best decisions for their patients, and that the state should provide them with good working conditions and decent pay – here in Bulgaria!”, the chairman of the BSP is emphatic.

“It is sad when, on the Day of their celebration, doctors protest… And it is even sadder when, against this background in the health care system, the only ones who seem to be satisfied are the minister and the people around him… Still, let’s not lose hope , that common sense will prevail over insanity – happy holiday to all those who accept health care as a personal cause and not a business venture!” concludes Mihail Mikov.

The full text:


On Health Worker’s Day and World Health Day, I congratulate all health professionals who take care of people’s lives and health every day. Their work is invaluable, but these days – often unappreciated. I sincerely wish them to receive the gratitude of patients, guided by their needs and the high moral principles of their profession.

Unfortunately, in the last 15 years, health in our country has been turned into a commodity, hospitals – into commercial companies, and doctors – into clerks, administrators, managers and entrepreneurs. With its actions, the current government is turning the crisis we owe to this right-wing policy into an epicrisis – our health care is sick.

With successive experiments of the minister, another role that is contraindicated for doctors is strengthened – to be a buffer between the authors of the health policy and the patients who suffer from it, to refuse treatment instead of providing it, to divide their patients into poor and rich, and not of the healthy and in need of medical care. I think this is a contradiction that greatly demotivates people on the Hippocratic Oath. This is an insult to the vocation of their profession – noble and humane, not mercantile and clerical. Their protests are proof of their disagreement. For a long time now, the actions of Minister Petar Moskov are not only his personal problem, they are not a problem of his opposition-ruling party either, but they are a problem for which the entire administration, headed by GERB and Boyko Borisov, is responsible.

In BSP, we have a different idea about people’s health – it is a good and a right, not a commodity. We are also convinced of equal access to the system that should provide it – it is guaranteed by the Constitution. We believe that doctors should make the best decisions for their patients, and the state should provide them with good working conditions and decent pay – here in Bulgaria! I hope that together – patients, healthcare workers and politicians – we can achieve these goals.

It is sad when, on the Day of their celebration, doctors protest… And it is even sadder when, against this background in the health care system, the only ones who seem to be satisfied are the minister and the people around him… And yet, let’s not lose hope, that common sense will prevail over folly – happy holiday to all who embrace healthcare as a personal cause rather than a business venture!


the city of Sofia

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