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Our grandmothers dealt with bad breath in a way that has always worked. Try it today

Bad breath can not only be unpleasant, it can also cause shame and low self-esteem. If you are dealing with this problem, you may belong to the group of people who try to cover it with frequent brushing, chewing gum, or constant use of mouthwash. But there are also natural ways to get rid of it.

Powerful herbs

One of the natural helpers is parsley. Thanks to its aroma, it finds several uses in the fight against halitosis. Try chewing on a few leaves right after a meal. It is very rich in chlorophyll and therefore will be able to absorb various odors. You will also have help with excessive flatulence and toxins produced in the digestive tract. You can also add parsley to meat, salads or vegetables. You can also try parsley decoction. Cover the curly parsley with hot water and let it cool. Sip all day.

Bet on essential oils

You can be sure this method will always work. Just two or three drops of peppermint, lemon, or lavender oil dissolved in warm water. A clove is also a great help. Helps fight bad breath thanks to the essential oils it contains. Put it in your mouth whenever you want to use the gum.

Effective soda

Baking soda is the most effective help around the house, but also in oral hygiene. You can use it to whiten teeth and stomach aches. For bad breath, mix a teaspoon of baking soda in a glass of water and mix. Then rinse your mouth thoroughly. Repeat until the smell is gone. Soda has an antibacterial effect.

Photo: Shutterstock

Find the cause

When battling bad breath, it’s always a good idea to find out the cause. If there is insufficient oral hygiene behind it, try to work on it. The basis is regular teeth cleaning and the use of interdental brushes. Don’t forget to clean your tongue too. If your hygiene is sufficient, look at the composition of the food you consume. Avoid any that may be the cause. So does he smoke and drink alcohol. If you don’t fall into either group, look for possible health complications that could be causing your problem.

Photo: Shutterstock, source: Health passport

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