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Our famous singer takes care of 20 cats and a neighbor


The popular “Tram No. 5” singer Gina Ivanova takes care of 15 cats, she revealed herself by often sharing photos of her pets on her Facebook profile and revealing that her hobby is actually taking care of them: “My hobby is animals . I have five cats at home and 15 outside that I take care of with all my heart and soul . I have an affected cat who is in a diaper . Three years ago the gypsies shot her and her spine It is broken and can only move with its front legs.

After she was shot, the doctors said it was best to put her to sleep, but my heart wouldn’t let me, and that’s why I always take care of her now. On the other hand, she gives me lots of love with hugs and kisses and I can see what a good and pure creature she is. One of the kittens, Diana, was sick, but luckily she is all right now. I can say that animals are much better and grateful than people. This animal is constantly showing me gratitude, she can’t defecate much because of her severed spine and every morning I poke her butt with my finger to help her out,” says the star, reports “Telegraph”.


Singer Gina Ivanova revealed she wasn’t in the mood to celebrate her birthday yesterday: “I celebrated my birthday with my family at home. My mother was supposed to have turned 83 the day before, so I wasn’t in the mood to My song “Forgive me, Mom” ​​is dedicated to her. And when asked if she is friends with her daughters Christina and Martina, she replied: “Yes, we are very close. My eldest daughter Christina has chosen to live abroad, and the youngest Martina is an outstanding musician. She graduated from high school with a classical guitar. She has a talent for music and sometimes I also ask her to write a song for me. My daughter Martina received an invitation to represent Bulgaria in Macedonia with the song “Mama”. I’m very happy to call myself their mother.” When she was asked if it’s time for the grandkids, she replied, “Haha, well, it’s not up to me. Christina got married, but I’m still waiting, and Martina wants, she has a man by her side, but they have a problem with religion. Her family is into these things and the mother in that family must practice the same religion. She has to study a lot of things to prove them “, adding that she gets along very well with Martina’s partner:” He is a great treasure. A fantastic and cheerful boy, I like him a lot.”


Gina said there’s not just one favorite song of hers: “I have so many songs. I recently released a folk album dedicated to my father. ‘Igrivo’, ‘One Hundred Divisions’ and ‘Love Me So’ are songs that are very beautiful and carry personal messages, so I can call them favorites.’ And when she was asked if she could reveal an interesting incident with the group “Tram No. 5 “, she replied:” These incidents that come to mind are not much to tell “. The singer shared that she is very close to the others in the group, they get together very often and are like relatives:” We are very close. We are like a family, we see each other very often”. Ivanova is very fond of children and gives singing lessons and has a lover student: “I have a favorite son in whom I see a great future as a musician”.

He spent all his savings

During the pandemic, Gina has released two albums, one of which is folk, and when asked how she coped with this difficult period, she replied: “Apart from the fact that we, the artists, lost our jobs and spent all our savings, I have nothing else to say, I have released two albums, one is folk I think

it is more successful and I already have seven clips on TV. Pop songs, I like them, but no one plays them” and she added: “I have always faced all the difficulties in my way. But I also took care of two daughters. Instead of going to massages, resting and pampering myself, I run over animals, neighbors, people… I can’t imagine living only for myself, I can’t imagine waking up and saying to myself, I’m going to get a massage now, then I go to rest, etc. n. I soon saw my godmother, Kateto of Riton, and she too told me that I am a very good person, my father also repeated it to me and said that he was more proud of my kindness than my songs and success. “

He takes care of a sick neighbor

“Actually, for six months I have been taking care of a neighbor who has no one. I dedicate almost half of my time to her, I go shopping for her, I collect her pension, I buy her medicines, I take care of her I don’t do it, to pay myself, and I do it because I’m a good person. I like to help. People keep telling me I’m crazy to give so much for others, but for me it’s normal. My father was that kind of person and raised me like this. Helping someone or helping them every day is human for me. Generally in my free time I help everyone around me except myself. Knowing that fifteen animals are waiting on the street for me to feed them, apart from the ones at home , the neighbor may have fallen again and there is no one to help her, I can’t afford it,” the singer also shared.

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