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Our best wishes for health and happiness are with you in 2021

On January 1, 2021, we would like to send you our best wishes for health and happiness in a context still marked by the covid-19 pandemic.

In all the families or between friends, we wished each other a happy new year. A year that everyone hopes will be much better than the one that is coming to an end.

The year 2020 is heavily hit by the coronavirus epidemic which remains limited in Martinique. The situation is improving * in recent weeks, but certain behaviors can cause a rebound that no one wants. Especially since we can see the extent of this health crisis on human morale and its harmful effect on economic and social life.

This trying year is fortunately also one of new solidarity and surpassing oneself in Martinique. Some of us have found the opportunity to rethink our relationship to others, even our relationship to the world.

In all our spaces (web, radio and television) we intend more than ever to be at the heart of your emotions and your hopes.

We send you our best wishes for health and happiness in 2021.

Covid 19 surveillance

The epidemiological indicators of SARS-CoV2 in Martinique confirm, in this sweek 52 (December 21 to 27, 2020), the relatively stable trend of the epidemic and has been for 4 weeks.

The incidence rate was below the alert threshold and the positivity rate below the vigilance threshold.

The highest incidences were recorded in people aged 15-44 years and among 45-64 years.

The number ofhospitalizations for COVID was decreasing with 20 people hospitalized, compared to the previous week. Nowadays, 3 patients are on duty intensive care.

(Source: Public Health France).

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