In the introduction to OTV, in which Geagea was criticized, it came: “Away from the false historical facts that he tries to promote every time, as he attributes to himself and his party heroics that are the property of an entire people, an entire institution, and symbols who have all become either underground or in another political position. Within the same constants… and regardless of his continuous insults to the rest of the Christian parties, and his constant attempts to hold General Michel Aoun’s presidential term fully responsible for everything that happened to Lebanon from the nineties to today… it remains that Samir Geagea’s position yesterday was remarkable in terms of timing and content. It came after a lengthy meeting he held with the Saudi ambassador, and the impact of a Saudi-Iranian reconciliation, and rapprochement between Riyadh and Damascus, with the escalating possibilities of inviting President Bashar al-Assad to participate in the upcoming Arab summit in the Saudi capital.As for the content, it is the highest ceiling for Geagea, in terms of refusing access The candidate of the Amal Movement and Hezbollah, Suleiman Franjieh, for the presidency, under the slogan “Peace be to God, you don’t miss it.”
And she added, “However, the aforementioned position does not eliminate doubts, especially if some regional development occurred, because the experiences of the head of the forces in this context are countless. After his famous question, “Are the forces asked about their position on Taef?” To be in opposition to the aforementioned agreement, he returned and marched with it and covered it militarily, until October 13.
And she continued, “After the withdrawal of the Syrian army from Lebanon and the Cedar Revolution in 2005, he returned and joined the quadruple alliance with Hezbollah and Amal, as well as the future and Jumblatt. After his bidding on the issue of Orthodox law, he returned and conceded on May 15, 2013. After exaggerating the false accusation of General Aoun that he Affiliated to the Iranian-Syrian axis and Hezbollah, he was elected president again in 2016.
And after Maarab’s understanding, which stipulated the support of the Aounist era from the current and the forces together, Geagea returned and turned on his pledges, starting with the position on the detention of Saad Hariri, and passing through the refusal to ally with the current in the parliamentary elections, and leading to the continuous political targeting, before and after October 17.
And she continued, “Of course, we do not repeat the above as a matter of digging deeper into division, but rather to urge learning from past experiences, so that they serve as an example for the future… May the head of the forces respond to the spiritual and political calls for Christian and then national understanding, to dispel doubt about his position, with certainty. So how if we are On a date this week, which coincides with Holy Week, with a spiritual meeting of Christian deputies in Bkerke on Job Wednesday?”
And the “OTV” channel concluded its introduction, by saying: “The meeting is not reliable for many until this moment, without canceling that hope with a delayed awakening, in the hope that it will contribute to saving what is left, before it is too late.”